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I woke the next morning in an embrace of warmth as I watched the sun rise over the green pastures where the cows had already been placed out for their morning feed. The sun was creeping delicately over the horizon, ready to prepare us with another day of sun and possibly rain. According to the weather man at least..

Looking over, I found Zak asleep, spread eagle and taking up most of the bed. Any other man and I would have complained, maybe even pushed gently, but to see him at such peace whilst he slept, I couldn't help but enjoy it. I almost giggled when I remembered our coversation last night whilst Bacon went out for a cigarette..

"Leave the bedroom door unlocked." Zak spoke as I washed up our dinner plates.

I faked a gasp "I couldn't do such a thing. I heard it is a rough neighbour hood, any man could enter."

He chuckled and brushed his hand across my backside appreciatively "You better hope the fuck its me coming through the door then."

"And what if I have company already? A lady must entertain her guests.." I threw back.

"Then I'm gonna make that beautiful ass so red that you're going to need an inflatable ring to sit down... Darling."

The idea had me biting my lip hard and a flush across my cheeks. Never had I been into any sort of kink but with him being dominate? It seemed to pull something below.

Zak lowered himself to lean on the side whilst I scrubbed the pot used for the curry hard. "Well, well.. I never knew that would get you excited." He smirked.

"It doesn't." I lied.

"I can smell you from here.."

My face burned bright red and my head snapped towards him before he chuckled. " Guess I was right then."

Annoyed that I, myself had given the game up, took a handful of bubbles and clapped my hands together coating him in them.

"Katy!" He complained brushing them off.

"Sucker.." I jeered going back to cleaning, I saw Bacon finishing up his cigarette and make his way towards the house when Zak grabbed my backside hard in his hand.

I squeaked and tried to pull away only causing me to bash my knees into the cupboard "Strike one." He whispered into my ear letting his breath fan across my neck. The heat of it made me shake slightly.

He stepped away as Bacon entered the kitchen and both men fell back into conversation about something, leaving me with my hands in the water trying to arrange my thoughts.

As the night progressed and we all submitted to the need of sleep, I locked the door and smirked. After taking a shower and changing into a nightdress, I checked my phone to find multiple messages, some with threats of sexual punishments and some as a disappointing almost depressing need. As well as a few missed calls.

Grinning, I unlocked the door and opened it before ringing him, instantly his door opened and a heated look filled his face.

"Entertaining are we?" He whispered.

I opened the door a little more in temptation. Then like a couple of teenagers, we checked for Bacon before a boxer clad Zak ran over the hallway and into my room. I sniggered when he stubbed his toe and bounced for a few seconds grasping his foot and mouthing obscenities until it became bare-able.

"What took so fucking long?" He asked quietly.

"Well one gentleman just wouldn't leave." I replied before being pulled into his body. I smiled running my hands up his thick arms before squeezing his biceps with greed.

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