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My heart pounded in my chest as I looked out the window of the taxi. The Vegas strip was still lit even in the early hours of the morning, whilst tourists refused to go to bed in favour of sightseeing and gambling. But I wasn't here to snap photos of the late night revellers, nor was I here to gamble or sightsee, no. I was on a mission..

*~* Earlier that day *~*

"So... This is you." Zak spoke making me look up from our hands to see my apartment.

"Guess it is." I replied feeling my urge to stay in the car longer. I knew Zak had already drove around twice rather than bringing me directly home, and I couldn't work out why. But I enjoyed the detour so I didn't say anything.

"You're gonna be okay, you know. I'm gonna make sure of it." He informed me looking out the front of the car.


"Absolutely." He replied giving my hand a gentle squeeze.

My heart bunched itself up at the idea and I looked up to see him watching me intensely from his seat. A funny feeling coursed through my system as another feeling, I knew to be excitement made itself know. I watched Zak lean towards me, wetting his lips with his tongue. My heart began galloping in my chest as I realised I wanted him to kiss me. In all the confusion and chaos of the last hour, with all the shouting and annoyance, I knew it could all be obliterated by one single kiss.

My eyes closed and just when I expected his lips to mould with mine, they pressed gently on my forehead.

I hid my disappointment, covered it with a smile and made pleasantries until I got myself out the car and into my apartment. It was then I paced, I wracked my head and really asked myself where the hell it came from.

That was until I fell asleep...


Images had flashed behind my eyelids as I dreamt, mostly containing myself and another person. A strong, well maintained man who knew my body well from how I was feeling in those moments.

How my chest heaved for some air as pleasure overwhelmed me, how I grabbed at the other party afraid I would combust. How their hands felt against my legs as they pulled me in closer to them and how they squeezed my hip.

I still had images of my head lolling around as my eyes fluttered whilst I tugged on the hair and bit the shoulder of the person.

Even with the amount of attractions in Vegas, I still couldn't pull my mind from my dreams and now I was on a wild goose chase.

There were about 1000 reasons why I shouldn't be doing this, but 1001 reasons why I should and that one reason was enough for me to throw caution to the wind. Call a taxi at 3am and be travelling across Vegas.

See as of right now, I had no idea where I was going, all I had was a route in my head and one willing taxi driver to take me to where I needed to be. From there on.. I'd figure it out myself.

I shook my head and tried to concentrate on the road and turns that I was deciding on. Until the driver stopped the car at a set of white gates.

"I can't go any further ma'am." He spoke twisting in his seat to look at me.

I blinked "Okay. I'll walk the rest." I answered.

"Uh- are you sure?" He frowned looking at my attire. My eyes followed too when I noticed that amidst my wild adventure, I had failed to get changed from pjs. The thin black vest with a velvet floral pattern and small black shorts were teamed with a pair of black converse. I never said I was a fashion guru..

SerendipityTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon