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His words took a while to sink in, not because I believed people lived forever. Not after spending time in hospital and seeing the nurses run from their stations..

But because she was so young.

"I-.. How?" I asked stopping my hand to look down at him.

"Some people are speculating it's drug and drink related. But nobody knows for sure yet." He answered looking up at me. "Katy I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what?"

"For how I acted when I came in, it's been in my head all day. Churning over and over.. Then when I came around, he was here. So I went back and waited, in the car park."

I blinked "You've been outside... Creeping?"

"I needed yo- I need you. So yeah. I did.. I went out of my mind because it was getting later and later. I knew, if he didn't reappear that for us? It was over. But he did, he did show up which means there's hope." He explained.

I took a breath as he sat up looking at me intensely. I wish I could tell him no, that we will be only friends. But I knew my heart wouldn't let it, no matter how much my head played up.

"I won't be in the dark Zak. I refuse to hide."

That made him struggle, he looked conflicted, troubled and eventually he had his answer.

"I can't have fans knowing, they won't leave you alone. Please, I'm trying to protect you from death threats here."

"They are suppose to be fans?!" I replied in surprise.

"You'll be surprised how committed they are."

We had strayed from the topic and I knew for him to work through anything, he has to talk.

"It's not you're fault, you know.." I spoke up playing with the tassels on one of the cushions.

"I know that."

"And it's okay to grieve for someone, she was a big part of your life Zak. Even if she hurt you in the end."

He stiffened up and rolled his shoulders as if he deflected the truth.

"She broke your heart.. Your trust and faith in women. It's okay to admit that you hated her after."

"But it makes me a bad person.." he whispered.

"No, it doesn't. It makes you human. But to be complete and to be able to deal with this, you have to forgive her now. You gotta let it go, you need to live again."

He nodded. "Live again.."

"Yeah, because livi-"

His lips hit mine with a little force making me whimper, but his mouth kept moving to encourage mine, when they failed to respond, he nipped at my lip.

"Owh." I mumbled pulling my mouth away from his. But he was like a man possessed with kissing as he continued on my jaw, until he landed on my neck.  My head lolled straight to the side giving him more room and my body seemed to loosen up like a rag dog under his touch.

I gasped as he bit my neck before sealing a kiss over it. "I just want to feel you. Feel you alive Kat." He breathed onto my neck. "I almost lost you.."

Sensations were firing all over my body as he licked my neck. Sending all thoughts flying from my head and focusing solely on him.

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