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Silence had descended between myself, Zak and Bacon as I sat on the sofa bed in utter confusion. The coffee table was littered with beer bottles and a pizza box from last night.

But I couldn't understand how I ended up here.

I rubbed my eye and crunched my face up in thought when Zak spoke again.

"Get up, the pair of you. It stinks in here, get the place cleaned up and showered." He snapped. "Oh and thanks for picking me up Bacon."

Bacon groaned beside me in response to Zak as I pulled the covers off my body to find myself in Pjs.

I changed.

Okay so I changed.. Then what?

"What the hell happened?" I groaned as Zak yanked the curtains back.

"Urgh close the damn curtains." Bacon grouched.

I looked up at Zak sheepishly to see him glaring down at me before he stalked off and slammed a door shut, presumably his bedroom door. My stomach dropped along with my heart, shaking my head I got up and looked down to see Bacon still fully clothed.

"Oh this is bad.." I whispered mostly to myself.

"He's pissed at me, I completely forgot to set my alarm." Bacon grumbled sitting up and rubbing his head.

"I better go talk to him." I decided when Bacon gripped my wrist.

"Never walk into a lions den.. Let me go, I was in the wrong." He grunted leaving the couch.

I knew Bacon to sort it would be a bad idea, however he seemed determined so I allowed it. In the meantime, I cleaned the lounge, threw the bottles and pizza boxes away. The sofa bed was a little more of a challenge and after a struggle, I finally got it to fold away.

Passing Zak's door, I could hear them talking which I took as a good sign based on the fact that Bacon wasn't thrown through a wall, however he didn't know myself and Zak were in a relationship. Sighing, I entered my bedroom and did as Zak ordered, I took a shower, a very hot one at that.

As I exited the bathroom, I gasped seeing Zak sat on the end of the bed, his shirt scrunched up in his hands.

Tightening my hold on the towel, I pushed back my shoulders and continued on my mission to change. My mind was scrambled eggs, I couldn't understand how I ended up laid beside it even on Bacon but I was.

Tugging on my clothes, I pulled my hair out from my top and looked over at him.

"I don't know what happened." I stated looking at him as he took a deep breath.

He looked up at me before rubbing his forehead "Katy I—"

"I remember... I—... I can't remember anything." I frowned turning around to pace the room.

"I don't know how to word this.." Zak spoke making me look around.

"Word what? What are you talking about?"

"Katy what happened yesterday?" He asked looking up at me.

I shook my head "I— I don't know. Umm..." I paused as I went over the night.

I could remember getting the sheets from the washing line, making the bed, being in his room, finding the photo.. A smile played on my lips but it dropped as I realised the rest was blurred.

My head shook "I can't remember anything.."

Zak nodded "Katy, Bacon found you in the garden.."

I scoffed "Sorry?"

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