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A week later.

Katy POV--

I looked at my phone for the billionth time this morning and tossed it back down. Okay billionth was a bit extreme, but it was definitely getting there.

Zak was away on lockdown and this time, he didn't need me to come with him. Although I wanted to, desperately, he insisted I stayed and worked on packing up my apartment.

I never realised I had accumulated so much stuff, and to think I had a major clear out when I was broke into. Mainly because everything was broken.. Or so I thought.

Grabbing a marker pen, I scrawled the contents of the box on the side and taped it down.

I felt like I had stepped into a game of Tetris from how the boxes laid all over my apartment. I had attempted to lift a few before something pulled in my back and a red flag waved me down. So I now had box seats all over the house and hoovering was becoming a joke.

Picking up another box, I began setting it up when the door knocked. Putting it down, I crossed the half packed lounge and opened the door.

The person stood on the other side looked up at me slowly.

"Billy? What are you doing here? I thought you were away?" I ask stepping aside to let him in.

"We've been back since Tuesday morning..." he trailed off looking at my apartment.

Zak's been home all this time?

It's now Saturday night. Why hadn't he called me? Came over or even text me?

"Was it bad?"

He turned to look at her. "Are you asking for my benefit or Zak's?"

I took a breath "Both."

He nodded and tweaked his head to the side to read the top of the box.

"I'm moving."

"I can see that... Where?"

Ah hell...

I shifted on my feet, ready for him to flee but I couldn't get the words formed in my throat.


He shoved his hands into his pockets looking a little out of place. A place where he used to call it his second home...


"You're moving in with him... Aren't you?" He asks.

I lower my head "I know you don't approve but I love him. I can't help it, I won't help it. You have seen him with women before–"

"Which is why I don't like your relationship."

"But you must see that he's different? With me he treats me different?"

Billy let out a harsh sigh "Why him?"

"It wasn't intentional, to go against everything you've told me. You think it's easy to see the disappointment in your eyes? How you walk out? You don't think that hurts?"

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