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BACON POV -- (Say what?!?!)

My eyes bounced back and forth on the screen as a car chase ensued, bullets flying from guns, the yells of the drivers as they tried to escap–

The door to the RV opened and Zak stepped on with a relieved smile on his face, his eyes were bright... Then it all changed.

His smile fell, the brightness in his eyes died, his skin paled and shoulders lowered "W-where's Katy?"

I paused. "Outside?"

Zak shook his head "It's raining.." his head snapped over towards Billy who was shaking the rain off him like a dog.

"Dude the heavens hav- what's happened?" He asked seeing Zak's face.

"Katy. She's gone." Zak mustered before springing his body forward to look out the windows.

"Gone? What do you mean gone? Gone where?" Billy asked as I pulled on my coat.

"I don't know! I don't.. You were suppose to be watching her!" Zak yelled in my direction.

"Zak come on man!" Aaron intervened.

I frowned hard at myself "She said she was checking to see what time you were having a break. She would have been outside the RV."

"She isn't!!" Zak snapped as Billy tried ringing her.

"So I've been looking at the history of the man–"

"Not now Jay, Katy is missing!" Zak interrupted before pushing his way off the RV.

I followed after Billy who took off when Zak hit the ground calling for her. Pulling up the hood on my coat, I rounded the RV on the opposite side trying to see if I could see her but the darkness and the hardness of the rain was making it impossible.

"Ring her!" Zak ordered.

"She's no-"

"Ring her again! And again! Don't stop trying her phone!" He demanded before running towards the edge of the gravel.

"Zak look!" Jay pointed to the grass where there were footprints from the pressure of her weight on the soft grounds.

I watched Zak fumble around with his pockets until a flashlight came up to his side from Aaron. He shot him a nod before they both headed across the grass whilst Zak sent Jay back to the RV with Billy who was trying her phone constantly.

"I need to go with-!"

"Go back Bill! We need someone to ring her! If your phone gets ruined we have no hope! Go back!" Aaron ordered causing Billy to kick at the gravel in anger but head back.

"Bacon! Now!"

I moved at Zak's tone and headed into the wooded area of the property with them, ducking and pushing past branches that tried to pull us into the darkness. I groaned at the mud that caked my new trainers but continued on the path behind Zak who steamrollered ahead.

"How long have you known?!" Aaron hissed.

"Known what?" I asked keeping an eye out as we quickened our pace.

"Zak and Katy?"

"Oh. Had my suspicions."

"Didn't think to share them?" Aaron asked annoyed.

I pulled him by his arm making him stop "She loves him, and you think he's doing all this out of friendship? Leave them alone man."

"Leave them alone? She's Billy's siste-"

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