Chapter 30

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Isabella snuggled deeper into her sheets. She wanted Darius to come snuggle in next to her, anything to help her relax from the events that plagued her. Every time she closed her eyes she saw the flames flickering. She never meant to burn down Jonathan's home...she was just so desperate for the paper. The paper she couldn't save. 

He'd said that he "got it." So, he understood why she'd done what she had. God she'd been so stupid. Darius had been in front of her the whole time and somehow it had escaped her. Though being told he was dead made it seem rather unlikely. She didn't believe in people coming back from the dead. But he was here now. They were supposed to be together. The tingle in her stomach she'd felt when he'd first taken her had to have been something other than fear. Some kind of recognition. 

Enough was enough. If she couldn't marry Darius she would run away with or without him. There was no way she would be able to stand a marriage with Jonathan. He made her skin crawl. Though, she was fairly sure that Darius would leave with her.


Darius sank into the tub in Isabella's room. Daisy told him that she'd never stirred when the water was brought in. After everything she'd been through, he wasn't sure how she'd managed to stay awake as long as she had. She was a miraculous woman. 

Never in his wildest dreams could he have imagined that the little girl with the dirty dress would make such a perfect match with him. If he was honest with himself, he was fairly sure that he'd fallen in love with her spirit the moment she took off running when he'd kidnapped her. Chasing her through the woods was too much like when they were children and the only reason she hadn't gotten away was the dress she was wearing.

Thank God for that dress. 

He looked over at her sleeping form. One arm over her head and her pretty pink lips parted softly. A curve grew on his lips as he watched her. Making quick work with the soap he felt so much better. After speaking with her father, things were worked out. Nothing was as perfect as before, but it would more than certainly do. 

Slowly he stood from the tub and snagged a towel. She stirred and rolled over with a soft sigh that made him grin again. She couldn't be more perfect for him.

He slid beneath the covers and curled his body around hers. She snuggled into him immediately.

"Darius?" Her soft voice said.


"What are we going to do?" Her face burrowed into the crook of his neck as he shifted her body on top of his, unable to get her close enough for his liking. 

"Don't worry about anything. I have it all figured out."

"Good." She said on a breathy sigh.

"Get some sleep, beautiful. I'll watch over you."

She didn't make another sound. He would watch over her, though he intended on getting some sleep himself. Richard had asked Frank to stay stationed outside of the bedchambers in case Jonathan came knocking.

As the sun rose, he found himself awake after a few restful and possibly the most peaceful hours of sleep he'd ever had. 

Pressing a kiss to the side of Isabella's ear he whispered. "Wake up my love. We have a busy morning ahead of us."

She shifted, rubbing against his member and creating a groan deep in his chest. Christ he loved this woman. 

Her eyes popped open and he smiled. "Why is it busy? Are we leaving?"

Sort of. He nodded and she burst forth from the bed and began digging through her chest. He wanted to laugh as she pulled out her cloak and a few simple dresses to wear. "I think that perhaps I can wear these until we can find me some more breeches. That might make it easier for us to travel. I can ride a horse easier that way too."

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