Chapter 27

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Darius cracked his eyes open and the splitting headache that bloomed in his head was enough to make him groan aloud. He couldn't remember anything after spotting Isabella in a man's arms, clearly too weak to walk. He'd wanted to get to her, wanted her in his arms, that moment making him forget the betrayal. He only forgot for a moment.

The week or so in the bowels of the ship had left him weak with nothing more than a piece of stale bread every two days and some foul tasting water. It was important for them to keep him weak or he would have busted down the door. He'd already loosened it the first day by slamming his shoulder into it. Eventually he was beaten and chained. 

Despite Isabella's betrayal, she still saved his crew with quick thinking. They were out there somewhere, probably having moved on to plunder other ships. He absently wondered who had taken his place as captain. It was clear now that if he didn't get his case back from her to use the key on, he had nothing left. Pirate's didn't exactly stick around and wait for their captain. No, they moved along. 

Ever so carefully he rolled to his side and discovered the well lit room around him. It wasn't anything special but he'd expected another dungeon...or that he'd be dead already. There was a small bed in a corner with plain cream colored linens, a table, chair, and a plate of meats and cheeses. Oh God, food. Why? It was all he could think even as his mouth watered. Was it poisoned? 

No. Isabella's father had honor, even though he'd kidnapped his only child, a daughter at that, Richard wouldn't stoop to poisoning someone. He ate slowly, so he'd have a chance to stop if he felt sick. After having nothing but bread for the past weak he'd felt dizzy, but the spinning ceased soon after he'd finished all of the food. A basin of water was near by and he washed up but even that was pointless considering his clothing. He stared down at his reflection in the now dirty water. Who had he become?

An ache in his chest had only gotten worse since he'd become a captive. Hoping food would end it wasn't enough. In fact it still hurt just as bad. If only he could put his finger on it. He polished off the wine left for him and sank down on the cot. What was in store for him? Would Isabella be forced to watch as he was hung? Would she care? She did after all lie about having a key. As a known pirate his options were limited. In fact there really wern't any options. He'd be hanged as treasonus to the King...and for the Kidnapping of a Lord's daughter. Hell, maybe the food had been his last meal.

The door creaked open and Isabella stepped in. The sight of her was breathtaking. She wore a stunning ivory dress that clung to her curves and her hair was pinned up pretilly like it had been the night he'd taken her. If only he could go back to that night. No, he thought gruffly, he preferred her hair down and wild around her slender frame.

Every muscle in his body wanted to run to her, to lift her in his arms and press kisses across her flesh. But the angry, frustrated part of him stood firm...and so he sat, glaring at her without any expression. Softly she closed the door behind her and took a step forward before halting. 

"I...I don't have much time." Her eyelashes lowered as she cast her gaze downward. The submissive posturing made him want to snarl and illicit the strong and powerful woman from her. He knew she was in there, he'd seen it on numerous occasions. Instead, he kept up his stare.

"What do you want?" He said, his voice so icy it nearly gave him goosebumps. Really though, it didn't matter anymore. Their time was up. Over. "Want your key back?"

"I want to know if you...if you would run away with me? Right now. We can go."

A harsh laugh lifted from his throat. Run away? What was there to run to? Strongborn's didn't run and he certainly wouldn't drag her through the countryside without a home or place of safety to bring her to.

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