Chapter 22

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A harsh banging at the door woke Isabella from a sound sleep. Her eyes jolted open the second she felt the warm, silky soft, but firm body beneath her arms and legs move. Well, more than move, Arus jolted upward just as someone plowed through the door snapping the bolt off. 

Isabella quickly, and groggily, jumped up to her knees ready to leap down off the bed. Arus beat her to it and shielded her body with his own, totally naked. The dagger from under his pillow was secure in his hand, a pistol in the other.

Where had the pistol come from?

Gripping Arus's shoulders she peeked around him. It was one of their men. Their.

"Sorry sir, but ye gotta get her outta here." The pirate was out of breath. "There's a group of pirates lookin' for ye and they be askin' about Isabella."

"Pirates?" Arus questioned, and moved off the bed. "Why the blazes are pirates after you?" He faced her now. 

"Why were you after me?" She quipped sarcastically and pulled the sheet up her body. The key! Isabella pulled the sheet back and checked her neck. The chain was gone! How had she forgotten about the key? She scrambled off the bed and dropped to the floor searching around. Had Arus taken it last night while she was in a haze?

But no, a small sparkle showed it to be under the bed. She snatched it quickly, so quickly that Arus hadn't seen what she was grabbing. The man from the night before had grabbed her and thrown her into the room. It must have broken the chain.

"They can't be here for the same reason." Yanking on a new pair of his breeches he left them unlaced. "Give us a few minutes and we will be out. Gather the men and get them to the ship. They are not to leave until Isabella is on board." As he spoke, he scooped up her pile of belongings and tossed them onto the bed.

"Aye, Aye Cap'n." The man said before closing the door and hurrying down the stairs. 

Isabella found a pair of black breeches in the pile and pulled them on under Arus's shirt that she was wearing before stuffing the necklace and key into the pocket. If her mother was looking out for her, finding the key was a sign. He came around and held out a hand asking for his shirt. Without another thought, she pulled it free from her body, leaving her nude. A grin spread across his face but he didn't say a word about it.

"I need you to get dressed quickly. The sooner we get out of here the sooner you will be safe."

She dug through the pile and found a strange looking corset and a black tunic like Arus's except much smaller, and somewhat tailored. Hastily she pulled the tunic over her head and yanked on her new boots. How the woman had managed to give her exactly the right size was beyond her. 

"I don't understand what this is for." She held up the black corset, woven with fine silver threads. It was beautiful but why on earth would she wear a corset on a pirate ship? She looked up at Arus who was already dressed and slipping his weapons into his belt. 

"We don't have time for it now." He said scooping up their belongings and stuffing them into a pillowcase. "Hold this."

She gripped it and stood. Arus dropped to his knees and wove her belt around her waist. Suddenly she saw her two blades flash in front of her before he slid them home. A dry lump formed in her throat and she grew hot. Her fingers dug into his shoulder, to keep steady but also to calm herself.

"Hey," he gripped her chin. "You did what you had to. You protected yourself. You might have to do it again. Can you do that for me?"

She thought a moment but if it came down to killing again or being raped and murdered, she'd have to fight. Isabella nodded.

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