Chapter 24

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***"Hit the head" is pirate speak for using the bathroom. Just thought I'd give you guys a heads up, lest you think it was something else! ;-) 

Also...fair warning. This chapter is somewhat graphic.

Dreams of the ocean nearly consumed him. He woke up twice as he'd submerged into the icy black depths only to realize he was in his bed, on his ship, and searing pain burned at his shoulder. The pain wasn't an issue. He embraced it, as much as he could. It meant he was alive and well. The well part was debatable but alive nonetheless. He'd no doubt be in far worse pain if Isabella had done as she was told and cauterized the wound. 

The strain on her face told him how difficult it was for her to remove the bullet. The blood no doubt caused frightening memories of the night before, but if anyone was going to dig the thing out of his back, he'd prefer she did it. Her small fingers no doubt hurt  much less and were much cleaner. He'd feared that she'd get in and panic, but instead, Isabella surprised him by being firm despite her nervousness. Within minutes she'd been able to get the bullet out. 

Captain Eagle would pay for that cheap shot in the back. Though, he was surely going to be sporting a bruise from Isabella's skull smashing into his. The thought made him smile. Too many times she'd surprised him. Somehow, instead of becoming a wilting flower under all of the pressure she'd become a warrior. The fire that sparked in her eyes when she did something totally unladylike reminded him of the look in her own mother's eyes, though Elena had always been prim and proper around his family. Clearly she'd also took matters into her own hand as evidence by the sutured scar on Isabella's forehead. 

Somehow that tiny scar only made him admire her more. The feeling of the needle being pressed through his skin was sickening, but to know that a small Isabella had endured the same, and on her head no less, showed she was just as brave as any of his men. Perhaps more so. She was both kind and firm as evidence by her assured hands and calming murmurings even as he snarled. No doubt she would make a fantastic mother some day. A mother his own children would be lucky to have. 

Where had that thought come from? 

When he got the key from her father, he'd get his title back. If he had his title back, he could easily offer Isabella marriage once he overthrew his uncle from Darius's land. The problem was that after everything he'd put her through and forced upon her, she'd be nuts to accept him. Not to mention he'd lied about who he was for so long that she was sure to become angry when she found out. Telling her now meant that she'd do one of three things:

She'd either call him a lier, and he had no proof of his identity yet. 

Or she would believe him but then care for the child he was, not the man he is.

Or she would believe him but be supremely mad at how long he'd lied to her. 

For now, he'd just keep his mouth shut. 

He shifted around to sit up and cleaned his face in the wash basin next to the bed and then proceeded to bathe himself. The cool water made him feel so much better. Once he slid on another pair of pants he carefully stretched his arms, unsure what his shoulder looked like. 

The door to his room creaked open and Isabella walked in, her eyes focused on balancing a tray of food in one hand and a bunch of cloth in another. When she shifted the bundle he stilled. She'd donned the corset around her black shirt and her breasts pressed up were high and round, beckoning him.  

Her eyes met his and she nearly dropped the tray of food. His stomach growled. Damn he was hungry...and not just for food. 

"You're awake!"

Pirate's RansomDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora