Chapter 29

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The paper in his hands only made him rage. Anger seethed through his veins. His claim to his parents home was hopeless without the will but now this? The betrothal contract was intact. In as perfect condition as it had been the day it was signed. Why hadn't his parents told him that it was settled? Why hadn't they said that the deal was struck? Isabella was rightfully his but now she was about to be married to another. 

His shoulder throbbed after having thrown himself against the door over and over to try and get out. He sat on the floor exhausted and aching wishing there was something he could do. He loved her too much to let her go. So she lied about the hurt and now they were in this position but he tried to look at everything through her eyes. He damned well would have done the same to protect his own family, to cling onto the only thing he would have had left from his mother. She clung to the key, protecting it, just as his own mother had told him to cling to the case. How could he fault her for that? 

Why had he treated her so coldly before? She wanted him, she'd made that clear and yet he'd pushed her away. Pretended she meant nothing to him. That couldn't be further from the truth. She meant so much. Everything. She was his future. Is his future. 

He couldn't. Standing again he got ready to throw his big body at the door again but before he could it creaked open. 

Was it Isabella? His heart thudded against his rib cage. 

Instead her father stumbled in on shaky legs and panting breaths. 

"Darius," he croaked before nearly collapsing. 

He knew? Had Isabella told him?

Darius swept and arm under the man and led him to the small bed to set him down. How could he be angry at the man when he never had the key to begin with and had only tried to get his daughter back. "You know?"

"I've known since you held the gun to me." He took a deep wheezing breath an coughed. "You have to get to Isabella. I'm sure by now you've opened the case." His eyes searched.

"I have." 

"And you found the contract?" His gaze was unfocused.

"Yes. Where is she?"

"Jonathan and she are to be wed downstairs...then he was going to take her back to his home."

"Where is that?"

"Across the field to the East. Not a," cough, "Difficult ride."

"Don't leave her with him. You must go."

For a moment Darius hesitated. Her father wanted her away from Jonathan? Then why marry her off to him? He could ask the man later. Now was the time when he needed to find her.

Taking off in a sprint he headed down the staircase. A few guards attacked but he leveled them within seconds. Bursting into the ballroom he found it empty. Totally empty. His heart dropped. 

"Oh no..."

He lifted his hand still gripping the betrothal contract when he heard a sound behind him. A priest stood setting some items into a bag. 

"Where is Isabella," he barked. He didn't have time to feel bad about his tone. 

The priest looked up and came closer a few steps. "I'm assuming you were the one she was looking for during the ceremony?"

Oh God. The ceremony was over? She'd been looking for him? His hand trembled.

"They're wed then?" He raked his free hand through his hair and blew out a breath trying to keep his composure. He would murder Jonathan if that's what he had to do. 

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