Chapter 6

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Despite her circumstances, Isabella sat and ate the food that had been brought to her. One of the blankets was wrapped around her body and tucked tightly about her chest. She nibbled at the bread knowing it would settle her grumbling stomach. 

How had everything gotten so messed up?  She placed her hand on her forehead and began to pace the room. Even though she was below deck, it was still becoming extremely hot in the room. If she didn't get out of it soon, she would die of the heat. The thought of leaving the room was both exciting and terrifying. She had never learned to fight. It would have been unacceptable for a woman to pick up a weapon. How would she protect herself up there? After the scene the Captain had caused over her bruised arm, she guessed she wouldn't have to protect herself too much. The night before was filled with threats, but he had let no harm come to her. She supposed he needed her unharmed in order to get whatever it was he wanted from her father. 

Anger grew in the pit of her stomach, tightening it when she remembered how he had pulled a pistol on her father. Being held for ransom on a pirate ship was nothing she had ever wanted for herself but she would have gladly offered herself in place of her father's life, and that was basically what had happened. Pirate's take what they want, and the Captain had taken her. Not that he wanted her...but she supposed she was the next best thing, knowing that an only daughter of a Lord would be of great importance to him. So much so that he would probably get anything out of her father now. 

Her father was already ill. It made her ill thinking about how upset he must be though she knew he would try to keep a level head. She had always admired that about her father. Even when Isabella stepped out of line, he rarely yelled. Sometimes he even laughed at her antics, crinkling the skin around his eyes. A pang of homesickness washed through her at the thought. 

With a deep breath, she steeled her resolve. Frank would take care of her father. He would also be doing everything in his power to get her back, of that she knew. And she certainly couldn't be more thankful for the man than she was right now. She wouldn't show her weakness to these pirates. If her mother had been strong, so would she. Isabella's fingers found the length of chain around her neck and caressed the key that sat between her breasts out of view. It was her only connection to her mother now but it would be a reminder that there was strength in her blood.

She heard someone at the door and froze. She was sure it was the Captain because she heard the key turn the lock. When it swung open she put a hand on her hip. 

"You should really knock before you come in here." She wondered how he would take her sass. 

A smug smile played on his lips and green eyes met hers. "Why? This is my room, don't forget it."

Under his arm was a bundle of clothing and a pair of tall black boots. The other arm held a pail of water. She raised an eyebrow at the hulk of a man standing before her. "You found a dress on this boat?"

"Hardly." He sneered before dropping the clothing on his bed. The boots bounced and thumped on the floor. 

She fingered the cotton material and held up a pair of dark breeches. "Seriously?" Isabella's mouth was agape while he set down the bucket of water on the table she had just been eating at. She would feel completely naked in pants. Women weren't allowed to wear them, not that she hadn't wanted to while riding her horse. Instead she was even more decent because she'd hiked her dress up so that she could swing her leg over her saddle. 

"I am very serious. You can't walk around in that blasted dress. It's torn to ribbons and while my men follow my orders, I cannot control their eyes or their lust."

Her face heated as she remembered the night before, and the threat he had made to her. Hold your head high, she reminded herself and she did. The breeches in her hand would cover her more than her dress would at the moment and wouldn't weigh her down in the water if she had the chance to jump. It would also make it easier for her to run from an assailant. The heavy layers of material were to easily snagged on things, and wrapped around legs making it impossible to get away. She may have had a much better chance of running from the Captain if she had been wearing breeches the night before. 

Pirate's Ransomजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें