Just a Phase

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~Mike's POV~

I walked downstairs in the morning to get some breakfast. Before I entered the kitchen, I heard Nancy and Mom talking. I decided to listen in on their conversation.

"Nancy, why on earth has Mike been so depressed lately? Is it because of that girl?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's why. He did really like her."

"Nancy, everyone has Middle School crushes. It's just a phase. I'm sure he'll get over her soon."

Nancy looked down at her plate in silence and continued eating her breakfast, ignoring her mother's ignorance.

Just a phase? My mom thought that this was, "just a phase"? She was so oblivious to all of the pain I had been going through the past six months or so.

I quickly turned around and ran downstairs. Nancy looked nervously in the direction I had run from. 

I slammed the basement door shut, before running to El's fort. I sat in front of it and thought. I wished that I could see her again. I heard static coming from my supercom again, and ran to the couch to pick it up.

I waited for a while until I was certain no one was trying to contact me. I slowly drifted off to sleep, the supercom slipping from my hands, and falling onto the floor.


I was in the void of darkness again. I heard mumbling.

"El?" I asked. The mumbling became clearer. I heard familiar male voices. Soon, the voices became more distinguished. A memory stood before me, of Lucas, Dustin, and me outside at recess.

"Oh, El! El! El! Will you marry me?" Lucas teased.

I turned and saw another memory appear.

Dustin and I were riding bikes.

"And then this girl shows up and starts living in your basement, and all you want to do is pay attention to her," Dustin stated, annoyed.

Why was I seeing all of these memories? It just made me miss El, even more.

I heard my own voice and turned suddenly.

"They'll be like your new parents, and Nancy, she'll be like your new sister."

"Will you be like my brother?"

"What? No, no!"

The memories all faded away.

Was this just a phase? No, of course, it wasn't...but what would happen in the years to come? The thought frightened me. What if El never came back? What if-

What was I saying? She will come back, someday. I know she will. Even if everyone else thinks she's dead or a lost cause, I won't give up on her. I have to find her.


I woke up suddenly. I had an idea. I knew exactly what to do.


Thank you all so much for the positive feedback, and over 1.2k views! It really means a lot, and seeing all of the support makes my day! I'm glad you're enjoying my story. ~Rocky

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