Where Cornwallis and Kerley Meet

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This chapter I am trying something new! Part of the chapter will be told in first person by the character's point of view! I hope you enjoy! Now onto the story!


Mrs. Wheeler and Mike stepped into the house.

"I still can't believe you rode your bike into a tree Michael!" Mike's mom scolded him.

"I know, I know. Sorry Mom."

"Just be careful in the future. Next time, when you hurt yourself, tell me right away. The doctor said you'll have to wear that sling on your arm longer now. If you had told me sooner-"

"I know Mom. I'm sorry."

"You won't get your new bike for at least a week."

"What?!?!? But Mom-"

"You won't be able to ride it anyways Michael, not with that sling of yours."

Mike looked downward in defeat.

"I'm going to get some fresh air."


~Mike's POV~

I walk outside. It really stinks that I can't ride my bike, all because of that crazy driver. Life just keeps getting better and better, doesn't it? I thought. I decided it would be best just to walk and try not to think so much about what had happened the other day.

I walked down several streets, including on Cornwallis, where I got it. I turned to where Cornwallis and Kerley meet. What was I doing here? I found myself walking along Mirkwood. I stopped right around the spot where we had found Will's bike in 1983. I walked into the woods, ducking underneath the low hanging branches, and trying not to get hit in the head. All of a sudden, I stopped in my tracks. I looked around, and saw that I was in the very first spot I had met Eleven. Several months ago we had been standing in the rain, my flashlight on her. I only knew her for about a week, but that didn't change the fact that I loved her. Maybe I should come back another and search for her.

I hadn't realized it, but I was crying, again, tears rolling down my cheeks. Whenever I was reminded of her, I just couldn't hold in my emotions. I just didn't want to face the fact that there was a possiblity I might not see her again. It was just unthinkable.

I wiped the tears with my sleeve, and started walking back toward the street and out of the forest, when I heard a fast car driving and skidding to a stop on the side of the road. I quickly hid behind a tree. Then I heard voices. Quietly, I turned and watched the scene take place. No...it couldn't be...could it? It was the same car that ran me off the road several days ago.


~Max's POV~

"Get out of the car Max! You're walking home!"

"But Billy! Come on!"

"I won't my little sister bossing me around," Billy said. He got out of the car, and pried me from the car door I had had a firm grip on. He shoved me onto the ground, and threw my skateboard down.

"Don't ever threaten me like that again!" He yelled at Max. I could feel my eyes starting to water. Sometimes, Billy scared me a lot. He was so unpredictable. I watched him get into his fast car and drive off home. Looks like I was skating home. I was about to leave when I heard a noise from the woods. I turned, to find a boy about my age, coming out from behind a tree. He came to where I was lying and offered me his hand. I gratefully took it, and he lifted me up. 

He looked oddly familiar. Oh no...it was the boy from the road the other day! The one Billy had almost hit! He had a sling too. What if Billy had hit him? I knew I was right! I guess I shouldn't have threatened to tell dad what he did. I wouldn't have gotten thrown out of the car if I would've shut my mouth.

Then, I noticed something else. It looked as if the boy had been crying...

"Are you ok?" He asked.

"Oh, uh yeah." 

"Well, my name's Mike."

"I'm Max. Look, I'm really sorry about yesterday. I told my brother to look out, but it looks like he hit you because your arm is injured. I'm rambling now aren't I. Well if you don't mind me asking have you been crying?"

The boy, or Mike, looked kind of flustered. I just met him, I shouldn't be asking him personal questions. Mental facepalm.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have-"

"It's ok. Look, I should be going," he said, before quickly taking off.

Way to go Max! You're new, and you've already got a bad reputation.

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