It's Cold Outside

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Mike stumbled along to the Byers' house. It was really dark outside, and hard to tell if he was going in the right direction. He used his good arm to reach into his backpack, and pull out his flashlight. It looked like he was heading in the wrong direction.


"El? Eleven? EL IS THAT YOU?"

The first snowflakes began to slowly drift to the ground. It was getting really cold, and Mike wasn't exactly dressed for the snowy weather, be he could've sworn he heard her voice. He was probably just delirious from the cold.

"Mike. Help."

"Eleven? El, where are you??!!?"

Mike heard nearby footsteps. Quickly, he turned, shining his flashlight in that direction. By instinct, Mike walked closer and closer to the sound.

He eventually got to a bush and hid behind it, peering over. A man dressed in winter clothing walked over to a box. In his hand, he held something, then he opened the box, and placed it inside. He paused for a second, to look around before leaving the scene. Mike tried to get a closer look, but then he heard breathing. Frantically, he turned, but nothing was there.

A bush nearby started making noises. There was movement coming from the bush. It sounded like a predator, making low growls. Mike turned to run the other way. He was too afraid to wait and see what was in the bush, based on everything that had happened the past year. As he ran, he tripped on a rock, causing him to stumble down a snow-covered hill. Mike Wheeler lay on the ground, snow surrounding him. Now, he was really lost. 

Mike stood up and started walking in what he thought was the right direction, to Will's house.


I hope you Enjoyed this chapter! The drama has begun! I really appreciate all of the views, and I wanted to let all of you know that I will be trying to update this story as much as possible! 

Every Day Without You *Mileven*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora