Boys Night Out

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It had been about a week since Eleven disappeared. Mike's mom told him it was time for him to leave the house. He had been in his room all week. His mom kept questioning why he was so upset. She assumed he would be happy since they found Will. He just told her the whole experience was traumatizing but didn't mention El. He wasn't technically lying to her, was he? Mike really didn't want to leave the house though, no matter what his mom said. What could she do about it? There was no punishment that could make him more distraught than he already felt. It was like he was in a dark, endless tunnel, and there was no way out. It was just going on and on, and only getting darker.

Mike lied on his bed on his back, looking up at the ceiling. His walkie-talkie started making noises.

"Mike? Mike, it's Dustin. Do you copy?"

Mike wasn't sure if he should pick up or not. He was so upset and didn't feel like talking to anyone.

"Mike? Hello? Mike, I said, do you copy?"

Mike lied there in silence.

"I know you're in your room. Nance said you've been there all week. Just pick up."

Mike reached over and answered.

"What do you want Dustin?"

"The guys and I were going over to Benny's Burgers, well, it's not owned by him anymore, but, that's not the point. Will was let out of the hospital today, and we were going to celebrate, just the four of us."

"The four of us?"

"Yeah, aren't you coming?"

"Look, Dustin..."

Mike started hearing arguing int he background. 

"Dustin give me that..." "Lucas, stop it..."

Lucas's voice spoke.

"Look, dude, you can't stay locked in your room crying over El forever. Come spend time with us. Will really wants you here."


"We're already on our way over. We'll bike over to Benny's Burgers together."

Mike put the walkie-talkie down. What had he gotten himself into?

He ran downstairs and put on some shoes and a jacket. Then he rushed outside, picked up his bike, and stood in the driveway, waiting for his friends to arrive.

A few minutes later, the boys pulled up.

"Come on, let's go!" Lucas said.

Mike got on his bike, and they pedaled to Benny's Burgers.

When they arrived at Benny's Burgers, they ordered, and then sat down.

"How are you feeling Will?" Mike asked.

"I'm great! Thanks for coming, Mike."

"Yeah. I guess this isn't so bad."

"Dude, what happened to you? Your hair is a mess, and your face..." Dustin started.

"Dustin shut up."

"Yeesh calm down Mike."

Mike realized he had forgotten to brush his hair, and he hadn't recently looked in a mirror. His face was probably stained with tears.

"Look, we know you're upset Mike, but, you need to calm down..." Lucas tried to reason.

"I need to calm down? You know what Lucas...!"

"Guys, please! Can't we just enjoy the evening." Will pleaded.

The two boys quieted down. Finally, their burgers arrived.

There was an awkward silence as they ate. Mike picket at his fries.

"I should go," Mike said

He ran outside, leaving his food, hopped on his bike, and drove off. Nearby, Hopper watched Mike ride off on his bike. He watched as the boy raced down the street, running, or, riding away from all his problems, leaving them in the dust.

Every Day Without You *Mileven*Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon