Maxine Mayfield

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First of all, before starting the chapter, I just wanted to say thank you for over 500 reads! This is one of my first stories, and I am so happy it is getting such positive feedback! Thank you all so much for the support! I really appreciate it. I hope you enjoy this new chapter! ~Rocky


~Mike's POV~

I sat in the basement, cradling my knees up to my chest. I was so upset. I couldn't think straight. That red head was coming over to my house. That was just great, simply wonderful. That brother of hers almost killed me a month ago, or maybe the incident had been even more recent.

Hours passed, and I remained in the basement. I was sitting in El's fort, with tears streaming down my cheeks. My eyes were swollen, and puffy. My cheeks were tearstained. The Hargroves would be here for dinner within thirty minutes. I was all ready, but I hadn't brushed my hair yet. I really didn't feel like moving from where I sat in the fort.

My mom came rushing down the stairs.

"Michael! Oh, good, you're ready. Please, do me a favor and brush that hair of yours. It's a mess!"

I just sat their, silently.

"Michael, are you alright?" She asked. 

Wow, for once she actually noticed I was upset, and she looked concerned. That only took a few months. I reached up and wiped the tears away from my face.

"Yeah, I'm fine Mom. I'll go brush my hair," I said. I stood up and walked over to the bathroom to get a comb.


~Max's POV~

I walked up to the front door with Mom, Dad, and Billy. Luckily, Billy had to be on his best behavior around Dad. I knocked on the front door. A woman opened it. 

"Hello, I'm Mrs. Wheeler! I'm so glad I could have you over for dinner tonight. Come in!" She welcomed us.

Mom and Mrs. Wheeler walked over to the table, chatting away. My dad paused to talk to Mr. Wheeler, who was standing in the kitchen. Billy just sort of lingered around them. I stood awkwardly in the foyer. Then, I saw a boy running up out of the basement. He paused, and stood at the top of the stairs, staring at me strangely. I walked toward him.

"Hi, I'm Max! I think we've met before. Do you remember me?" I asked.

"Yes, I remember you. And, did you say, Max?" he asked me.

"Yeah, it's short for Maxine. My full name is Maxine Mayfield." I said, awkwardly. Wow, I am not great and making small talk.

"Oh, uh, well, I'm Mike, short for Micha-" he stopped talking. I stood their, a little confused.

"Let's go to the kitchen. Dinner's probably ready by now," he said to me. I followed him. 

As we sat at the table, I noticed his cheeks were very lightly tear stained. It must have not been very noticeable, because no one really paid attention to it. I couldn't help but think that he was kind of cute. Wait, what am I saying? Cute? What is happening to me?

My thoughts were quickly interrupted.

"Mom, may I please excuse myself from the table?" Mike asked.

"Yes, of course," she replied. Mike quickly rushed out of the room. I knew exactly what I needed to do.

"May I please be excused too?" I asked, politely.

"Of course Maxine!" Mrs. Wheeler replied. I rushed out of the room, and after Mike.

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