You Don't Think...

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Mrs. Wheeler was in the kitchen making breakfast. Holly was at the table, playing with her cup, waiting for her food. Mr. Wheeler was reading the newspaper. 

Nancy ran down the stairs, in the direction of the front door.

"And where do you think you're going, young lady?" Mrs. Wheeler asks.

"Uh, to school?"

"It's Saturday."

"Oh, uh, I knew that."

"Before you go anywhere, at least sit-down and have breakfast with the family."

"But Mike isn't here, so why should I stay?"

"Well since you're complaining, why don't you go up to your brother's room and get him."

"Ughhh, fine!"

Nancy ran back up the stairs, and up to Mike's room. She knocked on Mike's bedroom door.

There was no answer.

"Mike, it's Nancy, open up!"


Nancy found that the door was unlocked, and opened it. Mike wasn't in his room, and his bed was neatly made.

"Mom! Mike's not in his room!" Nancy shouted, running back down the stairs.

"Check the basement! He's been down there a lot lately," Mrs. Wheeler shouted back.

Nancy sighed with annoyance, before going downstairs to the basement.

"Mike? Mike are you down here."

Nancy walked around, but he was nowhere to be seen.

"Mike, I'm tired of these games. Breakfast is almost ready, and mom wants you to join us. Mike?!"

Nancy ran back upstairs out of the basement, and into the kitchen.

"He's not down there, mom," Nancy said, before sitting down at the table.

"Ted, do you know where Mike is?" Mrs. Wheeler asked.

"Uh, how should I know? Wasn't he going over to Will's last night?"

"Oh, yeah he was. Nancy, would you please call Mrs. Byers and ask her if Mike stayed the night at one of the boys' houses?"

"Ugh! Fine!" Nancy walked over to the phone and dialed the Byers' number. She waited as the phone rang. Finally, someone answered.


"Who is this?"

"This is Will."

"This is Nancy Will, can I speak to your mom?"

"She left for work, sorry. You can ask me if you'd like, or were you calling for Jona-"

"NO! My mom just wanted to know if Mike stayed over at one of your houses last night."

"What? I'm confused."

"Mike? You know, your friend? He came over last night fo-"

"Mike didn't come over last night? He was a no-show. We assumed he was upset, so Lucas and Dustin went home."

"Oh. Well, I gu-"

"Is Mike not there?"

"Uh, no, he isn't. You don't think..."

"No, El defeated the Demogorgon...right?"

"Look, I got to go, nice chatting Will."

Nancy hung up the phone and walked into the kitchen.

"Was Mike over there?" Mrs. Wheeler asked.

"No, he wasn't. Will said he didn't come by last night."

"Oh dear, I remember when this happened to Will. Should we talk to Sheriff Hopper about this?"

"I'm sure he's fine. He probably just left before breakfast to go to the arcade. His and friends he has been hanging out there a lot lately."

"I guess your right, I'm probably overreacting. You can go now, Nancy."

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