I'm Sorry. I Lied.

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Will and Mike finally arrived at the Wheelers' house. Will knocked on the door. Nancy came up and opened it. 

"Mike! Where have you been?!?!?" Nancy said, before pulling him in for a hug.

"Owwww Nancy stop," Mike groaned. She had squeezed his injured arm by mistake.

Nancy pulled away from him, grabbed his arm, and rolled up his sleeve.

"Mike, what the heck is wrong with your arm?"

"Uh- I'll tell you later."

Nancy turned to Will, who was awkwardly standing in the door way.

"I thought you said he didn't stay at your house? And where is his bike?" Nancy asked.

"Mike will have to explain that to you. I got to go," Will said, before zipping off on his bike.

"Mike let's go down to the basement and talk."

"But Nancy!"

"Do you want me to tell Mom and Dad?"


"Then follow me."

Nancy grabbed Mike's non injured arm, and pulled him with her down the stairs.

The two siblings sat down on the couch.

"Mike, what's up with you? You've been so strange lately."

"I'm fine, really."

"Fine? I know you sometimes cry all night. When I'm on my way to my bedroom, I can hear you."

Mike was silent. He looked down, ashamed.

"Please, at least tell me what happened to your arm, and where your bike is! And why are there bandages on your head?"

"Look, some guy was speeding down the road, and he hit the back of my bike. I fell and hurt arm and head."

"What about you in your room? Is it about that girl? Eleven?"

Mike froze. It was like he was in a whole different world for that split second. When Nancy said her name. Eleven. Memories flooded his brain. That strange dream he had the other day. It was all so overwhelming.


"Mike! MIKE?!?!"

Mike broke down in tears. Concerned, Nancy pulled him into a hug. He cried until he started to hiccup.

"I j-just miss her so m-much," he sobbed into his sister's arms.

"I know, I know."

"I'm sorry."


"I lied."

"What do you mean you lied? What did you lie about?"

"When you asked me if I liked Eleven. I said no. But the truth is...I really love her, even though I only knew her for a week, but she just meant so much to me. Before she fought the Demogorgon I kissed her and-"

"Wait! Hold up! You kissed her?"

Mike's face grew really red. Nancy just smiled, and began to giggle.

"Mike, it's no secret that you like Eleven. And-" Nancy paused.

Mike looked up at her, waiting for her to say something. Nancy sighed.

"I like Jonathan."

"But you're with Ste-"

"I know! I know! I mean, I like Steve! But- I kind of like Jonathan too, but I-"

Mike put his un injured arm around Nancy, pulling her into a side hug.

"You should really see a doctor Mike."

"Are you kidding?"

"Just tell her you rode your bike into a tree, that way you can get a new bicycle, go to the doctor, and mom won't be super suspicious. And, I'll tell her you were at Will's last night."

"Ok. Thanks Nancy."

Mike turned and smiled at Nancy. She smiled back.

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