Wishful Thinking

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"El? El?!?!? Eleven?!?!?!"

Mike walked through what seemed like an endless void of darkness. 


"El! I'm coming! Don't move!"

Mike began running through the dark. Eventually, a small figure became visible in the distance. As he ran, the figure got closer and closer and became even more visible.

He stopped, facing the girl of his dreams. El. Eleven. She stood there in her dirty pink dress and a warm coat. Her face had dirt on it, and her eyes looked tired. She looked so worn out. She wore a snow hat on top of her head. Her head was now full of short curls, that weren't very long.



El ran up and hugged Mike. He wrapped his arms around her. He now felt comfort in her embrace. Eleven pulled back suddenly.

"Is something wrong El?"

Eleven just looked down sadly, before disappearing. 

"El? EL!?!?!? ELEVEN???!??!" Mike cried, but she was gone.


Mike opened his eyes. It was all just a dream. Only wishful thinking. He sat in the snow, frozen cold. He sat up and looked around. That's odd, he was at the bottom of a hill before. Now, he sat on Mirkwood, next to a tree. But how did he end up over there? Eh, he thought not about it, but rather getting to Will's house. Hopefully, when he got home, he would just lie to his parents and say he spent the night at the Byers'. They would believe him.

Finally, Will's house became visible. No cars were parked outside. Hopefully, someone was home. Mike walked up to the porch. He used his good arm to knock on the door.

Will opened the door, with a surprised look on his face.


"Uh, hi Will."

"What the heck happened to you?"

"Oh, well...you see-"

"Why don't you come inside and tell me?"

Mike walked in, and Will closed the door behind him.

"Are you okay Mike?"

"Yeah, I think I just sprained my arm, but I'll be fine."

"Have you even looked in the mirror?"

"Um, what?"

"Your head looks really bad," Will said, pointing.

"Well, you see, I was on my way over last night, and some crazy driver drove me off the road. My bike was destroyed, so I tried to walk to your house, but got lost, and here I am now!"

"You should probably go home and tell your parents."

"Are you kidding?! If m parents found out what happened, they would flip!"

"Well, maybe you could clean up in the bathroom," Will said.

"Ok. Do you have any bandages in there?"

"Yeah, next to the sink."

Mike walked down the hall, into the bathroom. He looked in the mirror. His head had dry blood drippings on the side of his head. There was a pretty gnarly cut too. Mike went to open the cabinet, only to remember that his arm was injured. Mike slipped his jacket off and rolled up his sleeve to get a closer look. It had shades of black and blue, which was not a good sign. Mike looked back in the mirror and picked up a rag. Carefully, he cleaned the dry blood off his head, before placing a few bandages to cover up the cut.

Mike walked out of the bathroom, holding his jacket with his good arm.

"Mike! Your arm!!!!"

"Yeah, I know. It'll be fine."

"But what if it's broken?"

"I'll be easy on it, ok. I don't want my parents finding out."

"Ok, fine. I'll ride you back home on my bike."

"Let's go."


I hoped you liked this chapter! It's a longer one, but personally, It's one of my favorites! I will be updating again soon!

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