Hit and Run

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It was almost 8 pm. Mike was gathering everything he thought he might need in his backpack. Will said to for sure bring a flashlight, and maybe a weapon. Mike couldn't find anything except a pocket knife. 

Mike ran outside and hopped on his bike, his backpack with him. It was getting pretty dark outside since it was the middle of winter. He didn't want to be late to Will's assembly. Earlier that day, Will told everyone to bring specific items, that would all be a part of his "presentation" he wanted to show them. Everyone needed to bring flashlights, a weapon, and their bikes.

Mike was almost to Will's house. He turned onto Cornwallis. Out of nowhere, a car came speeding down the road. It was driving on the wrong side of the road too. Headlights flashed in Mike's face as he tried to get out of the way. He felt a sickening feeling in his stomach right before the car swerved. It didn't miss Mike, but it didn't completely hit him. It ran into the back of his bike, knocking him onto the side of the road.

He landed on a rock, hitting his head. Mike sat up. He saw his bike, halfway in the road. The rear end was very dinged up. His backpack landed only a few feet from him.

All of a sudden, his head began to ache. Mike reached up to touch his head, only to feel a sharp pain in his arm. He decided to use his other hand. When he drew his hand away, he saw blood on his fingers. That's when Mike started to panic. Slowly, he examined his injured arm. He tried to move it, but it hurt way too much. "What if I broke it?" He thought.

Mike stood up. The Byers' house was probably about a mile from here. It was becoming very dark, and he couldn't use his bicycle to ride home. He would probably have to walk the mile to Will's. 

He kneeled down to pick up his backpack. Using his uninjured arm, he put it around his shoulder. Then he trudged in the direction of Will Byer's house.


Max sat in the front seat of the car. Her brother Billy was driving.

"So, this is where we'll be moving in a few months, once our house is in foreclosure?" Max asked.

"Yeah, this trash bin," Billy scoffed.

"Don't you think you're driving a little too fast?"

"Don't tell me what to do Max. Shut up and let me drive."

Billy turned onto Cornwallis. A boy on his bicycle was now visible.



The car swerved, and Max felt a jolt and her a noise.

"Billy, you didn't..."

"Max we're fine."

"Are you sure you didn't hit that boy?!?!??!"

"Max shut up, I'm trying to drive. I could drop you off and you can walk back to the hotel we're at until we fly back to California."

Max was silent. She thought she saw a bike on the side of the road, but couldn't be sure.

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