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It was winter. Everyone was so excited about Christmas, and especially for the Snowball. Everyone, except Mike. 

The four boys sat in the cafeteria at lunch. Everyone was talking about the dance. It was one of the biggest events of the year.

"So, do you guys have a date for the snowball yet?" Will asked.

The four three boys shook their head in unison.

"Have any of you asked anyone?" Will asked.

"Well, I asked this one girl in my Algebra class. She just looked at me funny, and walked away." Dustin said.

"What about you guys?"

"I was going to ask out this one girl in my science class, but she's already going with someone," Lucas replied.

Mike looked down at his lunch. All of his friends turned to look at him. Finally, someone asked the awaiting question.

"Are you going with anyone?" Will asked.


"Have you asked anyone?" Dustin asked.


"Dude! You should at least try and ask someone." Lucas argued.

"No, I made a promise to El. I can't break."

"El's not coming back Mike! It's time for you to move on!" Lucas snapped.

"I know she's out there! Somewhere! No matter what you say!" Mike yelled.

By this time, everyone in the cafeteria had their eyes on the arguing boys. Mike rushed out of the lunch room, upset.

Mike ran down the hallway, and into the bathroom. He couldn't help it and started to cry. After a little while, he looked up, at the mirror. Behind him, he saw Troy and James leaning against a bathroom stall. Well, this day couldn't get any worse.

"What's wrong frog face? I see you don't have your girlfriend to protect you."

"Troy, leave me alone."

"It's probably better with her gone. She was just a freak anyway."

"Take that back you mouthbreather!"

Troy grabbed Mike and held him up against the wall.

"You listen here, Mike. I don't take orders from anyone but myself. And mouthbreather? Is that the best you've got?"

Mike kneed Troy in the stomach. James backed up to watch this fight break out. Troy punched Mike in the face. Mike could feel blood dripping down his face. The two bullies rushed out. Mike sat on the floor. He looked up, at the mirror, to examine the wound. Below his left eyes was a cut where the blood was coming from. He also had a black eye. 

The bell rang. Next period had already started. He decided it would be best if he skipped class and went home.

Every Day Without You *Mileven*Where stories live. Discover now