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Let's flash forward almost half a century, 48 years to the summer of 1981.  The world had changed drastically since the depression days of the 1930's from which you came from.  Buying a new home will now cost you just under $80,000.  Rent had skyrocketed to over $300 per month.  Gasoline was well over a dollar a gallon at $1.25.  Average household incomes also increased considerably to over $20,000 per year.  The 1980's seemed to be a bright spot in American history. 

The April of 1981 launch of NASA's first space shuttle, 'Columbia' was a major headline that year.  One of America's most famous modern presidents would take office in 1981.  Hollywood actor gone politician, Ronald Reagan would permanently leave his mark on the presidential legacy of the United States.  Pope John Paul II had an assassination attempt on his life and an earthquake shook Athens killing 16 unsuspecting people. The world was just as crazy in 1981 as it was in 1933 when you were born.

I can imagine the week after the 4th of July in 1981.  It was July 11th in the early morning hours. I'd imagine the temperature in July was near 100 degrees even at 3am.  I'm sure you couldn't wait to meet your 2nd born grandson. At the time I'm almost sure that nobody could predict the joyous grandmother and grandson relationship that we would build together. It would come to be that you would be my only grandmother that I would know. That being said, I couldn't have hand picked a better grandmother. 1981 seemed to have been a great year for everyone. Unfortunately things change and our family was no exception to the inevitable law of change.

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