Chapter 13 PART 2

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I drag my feet towards the front steps. I clutch my bag tightly as I open the door.

As soon as I step inside, my mum envelopes me in a hug. I can smell smoke on her shirt as I push her away with a look of disgust.

"You started smoking again? Wow." I roll my eyes and walk towards the staircase.

"It was a one time thing Rach, I promise I'll stop right away!" She calls after me, her voice filled with sadness.

I shake my head.

"Prove it."

And with that, I walk into my room and close the door, dump my bags and take out the things from the gift bag Jai gave me. I sit the little bear on my bed, and try the dress on. It looks perfect. I smile to myself and sit on my bed, holding the bear close to me.

I grab my English book, turning to my half-written essay due tomorrow. I find a pen and start writing.

By the time I'm finished, I throw the pen across the room and take a deep breath.


I shut my book roughly, walking towards my door. I close it behind me, strutting down the stairs.

"Mother!" I sing, looking around the lounge room.

"Helloooo," I call out.

I was thinking a lot when I was writing my essay, and eventually I came to the decision that I should forgive her. I mean, she is my mum and I can't hate her forever - I owe her everything.

I walk outside, looking around for her.

She's leaning against the car, taking out a cigarette from her pocket.

She lights it, smoke dancing around her.

I shake my head. I'm gonna make her pay for this the fun way. I grab the hose near the door, turning the tap on, I run up to my mum and the hose sprays her right in the face, knocking the cigarette out of her hand. She gasps as I turn the hose off.

I smirk at her. "You deserved it."

She looks angry, but her face softens. 

"I'm sorry." She begins, "I've been such an idiot and I shouldn't screw up my life like this. And I don't know what,was going through my head when I-"

"Shut up, I forgive you." I grin.

She hugs me. "Thanks Rach."

I smile at her before walking back inside.


What the hell is this omg I'm so sorry

I said "I'll update later today" but I updated after a solid 3 months

I'm not gonna tell you when I'll update next bc I'll forget to do it and it will be a lie so sorry

Just bear with me please I love you guys and I'm walking up a hill rn so bye ily

Have a fantastic day goodbye

~mia(I'm changing skully to mia)

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