(Mikaela Hyakuya X Human Reader) Pt.1 Servant Girl

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(First name) (Last name) had been a regular girl, until the vampire takeover. When she was 8, Ferid Bathory, one of the vampire nobles, had taken her school's kids to Sanguinem himself, not ordered some lower-level bloodsucker to do it for him, after her teacher died. A strange, short, pink-haired girl with red eyes happily informed all the children that all the humans over age 13 had been killed by a virus, like in the movies. And that they, the vampires, had decided to take all the human children into 'protective custody'. The men and women in white cloaks milled among the crowd and handed out uniforms, white and black dresses with hoods for the girls, and white and black hoodies and white shorts for the boys. Everyone got blue bands for their wrists and ankles, and a matching blue collar, with nametags, like livestock.

As we filed out of the hall in terrified silence, broken by the occasional heartbroken sob, I couldn't help but worry about my parents. Were they actually dead? I was so lost in thought, I didn't notice a white-clad figure approach me. I jerked in surprise and fear when a silver-haired vampire lay his large, gloved hand on my shoulder. My (Eye Color) eyes widened in sudden terror, staring up at him. "And where are you going, little one~?" he cooed, grabbing my shoulder forcefully. Kids around me were staring at me with wide, guilt-filled eyes, since they weren't doing anything to stop this. I blinked rapidly, starting to hyperventilate. "No, I think I'll keep you for myself~~"

"Ferid, what are you doing?" The pink-haired girl had joined us on the stone bridge, and the children surrounding us fled, not quite running. "You know drinking straight from them is against the law. We went over this."

"Third Progenitor Krul Tepes!" Ferid exclaimed, turning, still holding me, dragging me, now. "Don't worry, Krul. I wasn't going to feed. In fact, I was just about to come find you, and ask if I could have this one as one of my servants. A maid, perhaps."

She looked down at me, and I gazed up at her pleadingly, tearing up. "Whatever," she said. "Just don't feed from her or kill her, same as with the others."

He nodded eagerly. "I won't, Krul." He turned to me, red eyes glimmering. "Come along, little one~" he sang. "You're coming with me!" The tears overflowed, and my (E/C) eyes misted over, but I followed obediently, not wanting to be hurt. Ferid hummed as he dragged me to a huge mansion with deep red curtains. He spread his arms excitedly, finally releasing me. "Welcome to your new home," he said, grinning wolfishly. I collapsed wearily to the stone ground, the stones cold on my bare legs.

".....?" I mumbled brokenly.

"What was that?" He asked, cupping a gloved hand to one pointed ear.

"Why me?" I repeated, staring up at him.

He ruffled my (Hair Color) hair. "You caught my attention. I wanted you for myself. You're just my type, too~~" I shivered apprehensively, but followed him inside.


Two-ish years later, I was nine or ten now, I noticed a boy around my age come up the bridge that served as our driveway. "Ferid-sama," I called timidly, not wanting to annoy him, "there's a boy coming to the door. Would you like me to show him in?"

He brightened and jumped off the stairs. "Yes, thank you (Annoying Nickname)-chan!" He chirped. "I'll be in the dining room."

I bowed. "It's no trouble, Ferid-sama." I made my way to the door, since Ferid-sama trusted me not to run away. I reached up a slender pale hand to the handle and pulled it open with effort. "Welcome," I said to the boy who stood patiently outside. He looked shocked, blue eyes that reminded me of the sky we no longer saw wide. The boy had short, kind of curly, pale blond hair that barely reached his chin, and he wore the same livestock uniform as all the other guys. "Ferid-sama is in the dining hall."

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