Chapter 16 🔥Deception

Start from the beginning

"Um, the thing is—it's a little bit complicated. You know..." Venus bit her tongue after she realized that the chamber fell dead silent and they got everyone's attention. "...Um, can we not talk here?" She uncomfortably requested.

"Why not? We deserve to know everything too," someone from the crowd shouted.

"Are they serious? What went down?" Vee asked in bewilderment. She never expected them, her teachers, to act that way. They were an epitome of elegance and discipline. Were.

"The end of the world?" Marcus whispered again, a hint of amusement in his tone.

"Glad you could find humor in our current situation." Vee hissed at him. Marcus cleared his throat in attempt to mask his laughter.

"So you were saying?" Pearl interrupted giving both of them a disapproving look.

Venus gave her an uncertain smile then looked around uncomfortably. The stares that she got made her all jittery. She was never one of those that enjoyed being in a spotlight. It made her want to run away or shrink as small as an ant just to avoid the nerve wracking predicament. Her mind was swarming with panic and incoherent thoughts but most importantly she asked herself.

Where would I begin?

"The perfect vessel is somewhere safe but we have a pressing matter to deal with. The Phoenix should be awaken in that said vessel so we thought that you might have any idea how?" Master Ronheild's calm voice ringed from somewhere inside the chamber.

Venus sighed in relief. She was after all saved from conjuring a reasonable explanation. The headmaster was an expert in answering the question without exposing a lot of unspoken truths. Saved them from the endless torture of question and answer portion.

Somehow Pearl got what they really meant as her brows knitted together and she exhaled a stressed breath, "alright, we only have one option left then."

Marcus perked up from the answer but he hinted danger from it unlike Venus who brightened up automatically and asked excitedly, "what? What is it?"

"The Mermadian Queen. We need to sacrifice Scalia." Pearl almost whispered the answer but it was like a bomb that detonated in the middle of the silent chamber. It didn't only stunned everyone, it broke their hearts to go such length out of desperation. It wasn't fair and justified.

Vee fell on her knees from shock, "no," she mumbled in disbelief. "W-what do you mean sacrifice?"

Pearl looked towards Scalia's direction and spoke sadly, "she is destined to be sacrificed today if the perfect vessel is in jeopardy. She is the last alternative—the secret solution. Scalia must die."

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