Chapter 15 🔥 The Betrayal

Start from the beginning

"What!" Both Xerxis and Ronheild blurted out at the same time.

Venus just answered them with a shrug. She didn't have a clue either on what kind of what they were asking.

"Phoe-phoenix?" Ronheild gave her a questioning look.

Venus was torn between telling him the news all at once or try to sugarcoat things to let him absorb everything one at a time but she knew deep inside that the latter would cause more pain. Besides, they didn't have enough time. Her pleading eyes landed on Marcus.

Marcus got the silent SOS and spoke in a calculated voice, "Masters, it is not as simple as we thought everything would be. The prophecy was flawed... Misleading." He walked towards Venus, their eyes were locked on each other speaking a thousand words that needn't to be voiced out.

"Do continue." Ronheild said in apprehension while Xerxis remained tongue tied wearing a perplexed expression.

Marcus and Venus nodded to each other before the vampire prince spoke again, "The perfect vessel is not an actual vessel." He paused as he gestured towards Aldrik.

"Then what?" Ronheild demanded through clenched teeth.

Marcus exhaled a nervous breath then continued, "The perfect vessel is actually Phoenix itself."

"Preposterous!" Ronheild spat angrily while Xerxis ran towards Aldrik's side and held the Phoenician Prince's hand.

"Tell me it is not true. How about Aldrik's persona? What will happen to him?" Xerxis asked in a very sullen voice, his eyes fixed on the sleeping prince.

Venus sighed, "You don't get it. Aldrik is Phoenix, Phoenix is Aldrik. We need to awaken his powers and memories."

"How is that possible?" Ronheild asked bitterly.

"If I knew the answer to that then I won't be here explaining everything looking just as lost as you both are. The fact is, we're also out of our wits end." Vee explained gesturing for herself and Marcus.

Xerxis cleared his throat after a few minutes of silence, "I came here to deliver a message from the Angelicums."

Three heads immediately turned their heads towards his direction.

Xerxis counted mentally one up to ten but since nobody dared to ask the obvious question he continued, "An Angelicum elder will come today to meet the perfect vessel."

His audience gasped. Venus' eyes flitted back and forth between Master Ronheild and Marcus for answers.

"How soon?" Ronheild asked in a quiet voice. He pinched the bridge of his nose.

"A couple of hours tops. We don't have much time, Queen Scalia moved to the inner circle when I left." Xerxis explained with urgency.

"Inner circle?" Venus asked in confusion.

"We better go there now and see it for yourself Venuscha. Pearl might have the answers that you're looking for." Ronheild instructed giving one last glance to his son before he dispersed in blue flame. Master Xerxis followed right after he squeezed Aldrik's hand.

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