'' Its simple really. First, we find the confidence interval of the problem. Z of .90 is 1.645. Then we find the margin of Error, which is Z of c times S divided by the square root of n. Which means we have 1.645 times 150 over the square root of 370, giving us 20.12. Then we take our newly found error and subtract it and/or add it to the mean. So...750 minus 20.12 is greater than or equal to mew is greater than or equal to 750 plus 20.12...so with 90 percent confidence we can say that mew is in between 729.98 and 770.12. ''I say, grinning. The teacher nods and smiles

''Good job Raven! That was very good. Especially seeing as that is a problem i gave my Senior students and only half of them got it right.''he says beaming.

''S' nothing really..im just good at math.''I say, grinning. He gives us the rest of the period to do whatever we want, so i pull out my pencils and start drawing in my sketchbook. A few kids come up to me while im drawing.

''You think you're real smart, dont you?'' One of em says. I look up and try to remember his name....Its Joshua i believe.

''Huh?...no, not really. I mean, im good at math but i suck at languages,and social studies.''I say.The bell rings and i pack up my stuff and walk out the door. One of Joshua's friends grabs my shoulder and stops me.

''Heh, not only are you a smart ass, you also apparently don't realize it's rude to walk away when someone is talking to you... I think we need to teach her a lesson, how about you guys?'' Joshua turns to his friends, getting a chorus of yesses. I cower back a bit,ending up against the lockers. The boy snickers and gets closer,raising his hand. He slaps me hard, making my lip bleed,and then raises his hand again. i shut my eyes , awaiting another slap, but it doesn't come.

'' HEY JERkWAD! STEP THE HELL AWAY FROM MY FRIEND'' I hear a voice yell. I open an eye and see Jaz standing there with my sister, and both look pissed. The boy lowers his hand and looks at Jaz ,grinning.

'''I was only Jokin! I wasn't actually gonna hurt her!'' He smirks I look at him and step out of the way a bit. Y/n walks over and slams him into the locker.

''Im not fucking stupid .You already did. If you, or any of your friends EvEr EvEn ThInK about getting near Raven again, i will personally hunt you down and use your fucking entrails as wall decorations.'' She says, her eyes glowing.

''And i will help. Now Josh, why don't you and your gang give Raven a big apology for the way you acted?''Jaz says. Joshua looks at her and scoffs.

''Why should i ?'' He says, then grunts as y/n slams him into the lockers again.

''Well, i believe what you did was rather rude, don't you?I mean, even if you were only joking, it's bad to even Insinuate that you were going to hurt her.and you did i bit more than insinuate.''Jaz says,in an oddly calm voice for the situation. Joshua looks at her then nods.

''Youre right,of course. Im sorry Raven, that was rude of me.'' He says. I smile at him.

''Its okay! I forgive you!'' i chirp. Jaz looks at me with wide eyes.

''You aren't even a little mad?'' She asks. I shake my head.

'' Of course i am,but There's no point in holding grudges anyways.'' I says. Y/n lets go of Joshua and he goes to gather up his gang so he can leave.

''Oh Josh, wait up will ya, i got somethin for ya.'' Jaz says, Joshua turns back towards her and she socks him in the face. Hard. I wince.

''Yeowch.'' i say. Joshua holds his eye and goes to hit Jaz back,Earning another punch in the face,but this time from Y/n.

'' Stay away from my friend and my sister you sorry piece of shit.'' She says, going to punch him again. I jump in front, taking the punch. I groan and hold my stomach. She has a strong uppercut.

'' Stop it, all of you!.'' i say. Everyone stares at me in shock.

''Raven! Why did you do that?'' Y/n and Jaz yell at the same time.

''Because, it's wrong. I get that you're only trying to protect me, but i'm fine''I say. Joshua takes the opportunity to run off, his little gang had already left. We walk outside,well..... i limp. Dark is standing outside looking for us,and he comes over quickly.

''Who do i have to kill?''he says,completely serious,his eyes starting to glow .

''Geez Dad,Calm down, im fine!You don't have to kill anyone. Y/n and Jaz handled it already.'' I say,Dark sighs and runs his hand through his hair,his eyes returning to their normal blackish brown color.

'' Are you sure you're okay?'' He asks.

''I gave him a black eye, Y/n gave him a bloody lip and i think she knocked out a few teeth. We probably would have beat the little fucker half to death if Raven hadn't have jumped in front of him and took a punch .''Jaz says. Dark blinks,processing this information.

''Well then....'' He says. Y/n smiles.

''Hey,Dad...can Jaz stay over? We got a project due and i wanna work on it tonight..'' She says. ''I don't see a problem with it if her parents say it is ok''Dark shrugs

''Just one parent sir, And i'll text him and ask.'' Jaz replies, pulling out her phone and typing into it. Almost instantly she gets a reply,and i peek at her phone.

''Yay! Her dad said yes!'' I smile. Jaz laughs then her phone pings again. She purses her lips.

''huh...Hey, Y/n, what size do you wear? I don't have any clothes for tomorrow,but i don't wanna go home to get some.'' She says. Y/n tells Jaz her size,and she grins.

''Thank goodness. We wear the same size.'' Jaz says, and types into her phone again. It pings again, and Jaz grins.

''K, i can go! '' She says. Y/n smiles,and Dark looks at her with a look of confusion.

''What happened to you hating her?'' He asks. I snicker.

''Wow, nice thing to say in front of her Dad.Even though she already knew i did. Her helping Raven convinced me there's no way she can be as bad as i originally thought.''Y/n says.Jaz laughs.

''Well thanks Y/n'' she says. Dark chuckles and teleports us home. I look over at Jaz, who looks like she is about to throw up.

''Uggh. Is that how you guys get around everywhere? I much prefer a car.'' She says. I giggle a bit, and we all head upstairs. 

We promised,Didnt we?-Danti x female Child  reader.Where stories live. Discover now