'whatever she wished to accomplice tonight, i will make sure it doesn't happen' he said to himself.

It looked almost like she'd gotten all dolled up just to meet him from the look of the heavy makeup she had on her face.  Not to mention the seductive dress she wore.

"do you like what you see Chris or do you want a clearer view" she said with a seductive voice while she plopped her breast on the table her elbows on the side supporting her as she lifted more of her breast for his eyes.

"actually, no, I dont, but do you want to know something?" he was getting annoyed at this point, though as a man, seeing her like that would stare his desires but he knew better.

"what, you can tell me anything" her leg was now extended towards his going upwards in a slow seductive pace.

"I hate it when women act without thought, like for instance, the way you're acting right now. Aren't you supposed to be getting married soon? " he asked.

"what has that got to do with anything, I just want us to have fun like we used to back in high school, you loved it when I did this" she gestured with her leg going in between his thigh.

"I would be stupid If I ever let you back into my life Sophia but I would suggest you stick to your boyfriend, and stop whoring around for once in your life. " he flung her leg away from him.

"are you insulting me?," she asked.

"I'm not, I'm only speaking the truth, you're a slut, always have been, and I never noticed it back in high school but now I know for sure."

"don't make me laugh, you were in love with this slut once weren't you? " she asked amused.

"that was the biggest mistake of my life, meeting you!,if you would excuse me, I have better places to be at" he stood up to leave. Sophia also stood up and walked to his side.

" if you're thinking you have a chance with Mia, you're wrong, she'd probably be with Nate right now,  you know doing all the things you would love to do with her" she whispered in his ear.

"I don't know what you're talking about-"

"it's obvious, there's something between you two, but I would advise you to stop it before you're hurt" she turned to face him.

"she's in love with someone else, I wouldn't want you to get your hopes up, " she whispered in his ear,hoping to be right about her assumptions.

"I already know that, we're just friends "he said to her but actually he was trying to convince himself that they really were just 'friends'.

"keep telling yourself that, and maybe I'll believe you. Just know that I'll always be here if you need any entertainment, you have my number" she then gestured with her palm on his crotch. He pushed her hand away.

Sophia left the bar with a smirk, indeed her suspicion was valid, there was something going on between them and she would find out soon enough.


Hannah could feel the hungry gazes she got as she walked through the parking lot into the bar, she'd only just arrived today and the paparazzi wasn't helping, they'd been following her around since she arrived at the airport but thankfully they were nowhere to be seen now.

She needed a drink and the men around the bar were still staring,she found it extremely annoying. But who cares, she didn't anyway.

She got a seat and placed her designer bag on the seat next to her on the bar counter.

"excuse me, can I get a martini "she asked the bartender.

"of course,anything for you beautiful" he winked at her, she rolled her eyes, why was San Francisco all over her today?,she asked herself. Though she loved attention, but it was getting a bit out of hand.

She grabbed the drink and gulped it down, she was surprised at herself. She had another glass and then her eyes trailed around the bar. Disgusting men still stared with hungry gazes in the dark room.

Just when she turned around to face her front, she realised she'd seen a familiar face.  She turned back at the direction. There he was, the only man she'd found attractive in a long time.


Now she wasn't so sure If he was the one. He looked so different or was it because she was getting a bit drunk. He still had on his white dress shirt from earlier today but his tie was loose.

She grew curious and her legs were already up and walking towards him. She didn't care about her bag at this point.

She sat close to him watching intensely. He looked drunk but undeniably handsome. His hair fell a bit in his eyes and his arms flexed as he jugged down another drink.

Chris didn't know why he was drinking so much, but he felt like it. His mind clouded with thoughts of Mia, indeed was she with Nate?,he mentally slapped himself. Why did he care so much, he still couldn't figure it out.

His conversation with Sophia also came to his mind, "it's obvious there's something between you two-"

"she's in love with someone else-"

The words played in his head like a broken record. "what's wrong with you, don't you know already?! "he blurted out in anger.

"there's nothing between us, she's my best friend, or was, but the point is, she's my friend and I don't see her that way, yes, right, that's the truth, there's no way that could happen"he said to himself quietly convincing his thoughts.

Yes that's gotta be it, he said in his mind. But then he heard someone call his name.  "-um, its me from earlier today, you remember right?,... I.....um... Hannah Matthews" she ended, finding herself more nervous than she'd expected.

"yeah, Hannah, nice" his drunken self tried to talk.

"so Um, you come h-here often? "she asked as she grabbed her drink.

"no" he tried his best to come back to his senses. But then realised he didn't care.

"so Um, Chris can I call you that? "she could feel herself getting drunk as she grabbed another glass.

He didn't answer, he just kept drinking.
"o-k, so drink, yeah, we should drink" she gulped another glass.

An hour later, they were both wasted. Drunk and senseless. And the bar was closing up.

"sir, we're about closing, miss? " the bartender tried waking them up. He brought her bag and handed it to her.

Chris got up automatically, he looked down at the girl beside him," Mia?". He smiled drunkenly. His eyes envisioning Hannah's brown hair as Mia's black hair.

Hannah looked up at him, "hey you!, where's my hat?, gimme my hat, mommy made it for me" she pouted as she dropped her head on the desk.

Chris grabbed her hand and pulled her up. "Mia let's go, the priest wants to see us" he said unconsciously. They both staggered outside. And the bartender helped them into a taxi.

Chris looked at her and she was in a white dress like a wedding. " my wife" he pressed a sloppy kiss to her lips.

"the sky is falling, on us, " Hannah pointed to the roof as he kissed her.

⚔️Kira.... *

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