Chapter 3

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"Are you okay mia" Nate said draping his jacket around her small shoulders.
"I'm alright,..just need to use the restroom,I'll meet you in the car" she said walking hurriedly to the restroom.

Nate had no choice but to let her go seeing how she just reacted to Sophia moments ago. He needed an explanation but he wouldn't rush her.


Chris just ended his three course meal, he decided to use the restroom before he would return to his apartment. He just washed his hands and had them dried,he stopped by the mirror and stared into it.

He was in no doubt no more the 18 year old boy who'd been foolish enough to have taken the virtue of his best friend.

He'd grown taller,broader,stronger and certainly wiser. He ran his left hand through his hair and smiled at himself. He then exited the men's restroom only to bump into a lady who didn't care enough to apologize as she was at fault. Mia and Chris had no idea they'd just bumped into each other.

He ignored the lady which was mia and exited the building walking towards his car. He got in and sat on the drivers seat,he placed his hands on his wheel as he remembered yet another memory of mia.

He was unaware of the fact that he'd just bumped into her by the restroom.

Mia got in the restroom,as she breaths heavily,she still couldn't believe she just did that. All Sophia's words started playing back in her head.

"...Who are we kidding,we both know that you would have seduced him into your bed ....that's if you haven't done that already you slut"

Was that what they thought of her,was that what she did,seduce her best friend for her own selfish gains. Taking advantage of the fact that he was drunk.

Why hadn't she tried confessing when he wasn't drunk, was it because she knew he would reject her. Alone tear escaped her lids. Was that what he actually thought of me that morning.

She couldn't bear the thought of having him think of her that way, was that why he left without saying goodbye because he didn't want to look at the girl who'd had taken advantage of his drunkenness by seducing him?that she had planned it.

"I don't care"she said to herself as she wiped the tear drops from her eyes "he's in the past now and out of my life,why should I care anyway,he's probably never given me a single thought" she then matched out of the building .

Who was she kidding,she cared more than she could explain because her thoughts never left him all these years.

Chris still staring outside his car at the entrance of the building picturing 16 year old mia waiting for him by the door on his 17th birthday 2 years after his moms death, suddenly sees a lady who looks exactly like the 16 year old girl he'd been picturing walking towards a guy who hugs her and leads her to the front seat of the car and then returns to the drivers seat.

He sits up trying to get a clearer view at the lady on the pink dress at the front seat of the car across from him at the parking lot. Her eyes are down cast so he can't see her face well. He hops off his car still staring at her.

"Mia....No it can't be"

She raises her chin finally and he recognizes her. Its mia.

"Mia!!" Chris yells gasping as the car exits the parking lot.

Mia looks at the side mirror of nates car and she sees a figure standing a few feet behind the car staring as they move farther away from him.

"Who's that.. do you know him?"Nate asks noticing Mia's attention on the side mirror.

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