Ch. 48 - Her Secret

Start from the beginning

When I got inside, the hallway was quiet and empty. I went to the first door I saw and didn’t even bother to knock before opening it quietly. When I peeked inside, I saw a few boxes and empty bags scattered all around the floor. It looked like a storage room, but there was a small window on one of the walls. When I saw it was open and smoke was escaping through it, my heart skipped a beat and I burst inside, quickly spotting Katie sitting in a corner, tears streaming down her face as she held the blunt to her lips.

“Katie!” I yelled angrily. “What the fuck are you thinking?!”

Her head shot up and her eyes widened as they met mine. “J-Justin? H-How did you… find me?”

“Doesn’t matter,” I scoffed as I walked towards her. I grabbed the blunt from her hands and picked up one of the many empty bags that lay scattered on the floor. I put the blunt inside and crumbled it up before throwing it out in a large trash can near one of the boxes. “Why’d you steal a blunt from me?” I asked, my tone harsh. I grabbed her by her bicep and forced her to stand up. “And why the fuck are you smoking weed? You’re not taking care of the baby,” I spat.

Katie looked down at her growing belly, her lips quivering as she tried to hold in her tears.

“I-I’m sorry…” she whimpered. “I didn’t—… I couldn’t—…”

“Listen,” I lifted her chin so she could look me in the eyes. “I want an explanation. Now.”

“You h-have every right t-to be mad at me but… Understand that this w-wasn’t my i-intentions,” she sobbed.

I released my grip on her, crossing my arms and staring at her. “Then what the fuck were your intentions, huh?” I yelled.

She tried to take a step away from me but she was already up against the wall. With tears still streaming out uncontrollably, she began explaining. “If you can’t already tell… I’m quite the troubled teen,” she sighed. “I’ve g-gone to rehab for a few days for addiction. It didn’t last very long, and I was back to those bad habits. I’m addicted to drugs, Justin,” she looked at me, the tears surfacing in her eyes. “And I couldn’t—I was doing so well. When I found out I’m pregnant, I stopped doing any kind of drug or drinking any type of alcoholic drink. I wanted to be a good mother. Every time the urge was too much, I just ate to soothe my cravings. I thought of our baby. I was doing it for the two of you. But when I… saw you smoking today, I… I couldn’t help it. The main reason I was doing so well staying away from drugs is because I wasn’t seeing any around me. So when I saw you, I was a hundred times more tempted. It’s hard to stay away, even though to stay away from drugs is what I most want in this world.”

I paused, my heart sinking. I could feel guilt spreading throughout my entire body. I was so… harsh to her. She didn’t deserve that. She doesn’t deserve any of this.

I leaned closer to her, my hand reaching up to cup her cheek gently and our noses touched.

“I’m sorry,” I whispered, caressing her cheek with my thumb. “I didn’t know.” Katie continued to look at me, though I bet her vision was blurred out by her tears. “But you shouldn’t smoke while you’re pregnant.”

“I didn’t mean to—”

“I know,” I silenced her, wiping her tears away before lowering my hand from her face. “You know what? It’s pretty late. We can talk about this later. Want to sleep in my room tonight?”

She did a double take, surprised at my offer. “I, uh… S-sure. I sleep better when I’m not by myself.”

“Really?” I smiled. “So do I.”

I grabbed her hand and tugged on it so she’d start walking. Together, we sneaked out of the storage room and back into the cold air. I felt Katie shiver beside me and I pulled her closer to me, trying to provide her with as much as my warmth as I could.

We soon made it back into our hotel suite, where we quietly sneaked back into my room. I made Katie sit on my bed before I leaned down and took off her shoes for her. She thanked me and laid down on one side of the bed. When I took up the other side, I covered our bodies with the blanket and we laid there in the dark, staring at each other.

“Why are you so nice to me?” Katie randomly whispered.

I blinked a few times before smiling slightly. “It doesn’t look like you’re used to it,” I yawned.

“I’m not,” she agreed. “Everyone treats me like shit.”

“I’m not very stable myself, Katie,” I sighed. “But I try.”

“What do you mean you’re not stable?” her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

I shook my head slightly. “Never mind.” I leaned closer to her and placed a kiss on her forehead. “Good night, Katie.”

Even in the dark, I could see her cheeks slowly turning red.

“Good night, Justin.”


Sorry it’s a little short, I’m going to be busy a lot this month (I already am) and maybe a bit in June but the bright side is that summer’s almost here and I’ll have more time to update! Yay!!

So what do you guys think about Katie now? The same? Or not? ;)

I love every single one of you for putting up with me. Haha <3

- Nina xx

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