Chapter 4

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Harry POV
Inside my head i was laughing so hard. When i seen Perseus get body slammed into the wall.... Best day ever. Just hands down best day ever. I should start singing the song. It's the best day everrrr. The next thing that happened completely threw me off. He just stood there taking it like this always happens. Then he opened his mouth, "I am not going to deal with this. I had enough of this from my old family. I am sick of being judged for something i didn't do. The guy that's trying to take over the world? Yeah, that's not me. I'm not trying to take over the world. I'm only here because Dumbledore asked me. So if this is how i'm going to get treated I'm leaving right now. Dumbledore", he directed this to Dumbledore, "i thank you for teaching things about my family that i didn't know and i thank you for giving me an opportunity to learn at your school, but i can't be slammed into a wall everytime i walk into a room. I would like you to take me home". Dumbledore nodded and Perseus tossed Mad-Eye Moody off him and walked to Dumbledore.  He grabbed his arm and they disappeared. I looked around and everyone looked guilty. I don't understand why. He's Voldemort's grandkid. He's evil. He's rotten. He's vile. He's the grandkid of the thing that killed my family. He's a Death Eater. I smiled, "What's everyone so down about"? Everyone turned to look at me with disbelief. Hermione gaped, "Harry, what's the matter with you? He just put us in our place. We don't even know him yet we took pleasure in seeing him being slammed into the wall". I rolled my eyes, "He's Voldemort's grandson. He's evil, he's a Death Eater", i turned to Sirius, "He's related to the thing that killed my parents, your best friends. Or have you forgotten"? Sirius looked livid, "Of course i haven't forgotten, Harry. How could you even ask? I only think we should get to know him because i come from the same background. My parents were evil and vile and Slytherins to the core. But look at me. I'm a proud Gryffindor and your Godfather". I just shook my head and opened my mouth to speak but before i could Dumbledore arrived. He looked livid to. I smirked, good he was mad at Voldie Junior too. He opened his mouth, "I am ashamed of you all. I brought him here for protection not to be beat upon". He would've continued but Mrs.Weasley interrupted, "Albus, how is he? He looked far to comfortable being shoved against the wall like that". Dumbledore nodded, "yes would like to address this. He told me some of his past. I do not feel comfortable speaking of it so we shall look at the memory i have of it instead". With that he walked down the hall to a room with the rest of us following. Personally i want to see what lie he came up with that convinced Dumbledore. Dumbledore pulled out a pensieve. When the pensieve was infront of us we all circled around as Dumbledore used his wand to pull out the memory. The memory looked like a silver string being pulled out of his head. When the memory was out it started to drift so Dumbledore used is wand and hit it towards the pensieve. When the memory was in we all closed the circle even more and we were all sucked in the memory. The first thing we seen was Perseus's back towards us.

"i was in two wars Mr.Dumbledore. Two. I know what it's like to have the relatives of your enemy on your side. I know because my side went against my grandfather on my father's side. That was my first war. The second was against my grandmother. I blame myself for every death that happened because i led both wars. In the end i was betrayed. My family thought i led everyone to their deaths on purpose. They thought i was a traitor. My father disowned me. That's how i got this scar on my face. That's not what makes me hate them. The side i fought for...the side i led wars for.... My family killed my mother, my stepfather, and my two month old baby sister. So don't tell me they were nervous. I know what nervous looks like. They outright hated me just like my old family. Your friends think that just because we are blood that i would fight with him, but in my mind i don't have anymore blood to fight with. Your friends should have gotten to know me first. The wall didn't hurt. I've felt worse then being slammed in a wall". The memory of Perseus stayed silent for awhile.
           Memory over

Slowly whisps of the memory lifted until there was nothing left but the present. Two wars? Yeah right. It's just more Death Eater tricks. Right? He looked so sincere and honest. I'm losing it. My mind is leaving me. Unless my mind is right? Nah. Hmm......... I DON'T KNOW ANYMORE!!!!! WHATS HAPPENING??!?!?!?!?!? It's okay Harry. Deep breaths. In and out. In and out. Alright mental breakdown is over. Now to decide if he's being honest or not.

I should've left it off here but it's to short for my liking. Beware POV change happening this POV happened literally seconds before Dumbledore and Percy showed back up at his apartment .........Seriously though it's happening.....

Poseiden POV (BOOM!!)
What have i done? I disowned Percy. How could i think he betrayed us? He fought for us twice!!! Something came over us Gods and the campers. Something that made us be cruel to him. The people taking it the worst are the people who beat him up and tortured him. Suddenly the throne room doors were thrown open. All the Gods sat up in our thrones and looked at the entering demigods. It was the seven they went to Sally's apartment to see if Percy was there. I looked up hopefully but it died down when i seen the disappointed looks an their faces. One face especially stood out....Annabeth, she looked guilty. I wonder why. It wad all of our faults that he's gone. Maybe she did something else. I decided to voice my thoughts, "Why do you look so guilty Annabeth"? She looked like a deer caught in headlights, "I-i don't kn-know what you're talking about lor-lord Poseiden". Yeah right i don't believe that for a second. I turned to my nephew, "Apollo"? He shook his head and turned towards Annabeth, "You're lying. I don't know why but you are". When Athena looked like she was about to argue i cut in, "He's the God of truth, Athena. Surely even you the Goddes of wisdom knows that if he says she's lying theb she is". She looked angered that i said that to her but she didnt say anything. As if we rehearsed it all the gods turned to look at Annabeth. She looked even more guilty now, "I know we all did horrible things to Percy, but it's like whatever took hold of us wanted him to be completely alone". I knew i looked confused. Wait, after we betrayed him all he would have left is Sally. Athena spoke before i could, "Daughter, i don't understand. Even if his mother has passed, why do you look so guilty"? Annabeth had tears in her eyes now, "Whatever took hold of us made m-me k-kill his moth-mother". By now she was full on crying and i was in a state of shock. Sally dead? And she killed her? I grew angry. This girl killed the only woman i ever truly loved. Apparently Zeus saw my anger and tried to calm me down, "Remember brother it was not her that killed her. It was the monster thaf possessed her, that possessed all of us". I grew slightly calm. "Fine, but as soon as we find whatever did this i want to decide its fate", i all but spat at my brother. I didn't wait for a reply instead i flashed away to my palace in Atlantis.

Boom. Bet you didn't expect Annabeth to have killed his mom. I re-read what i already wrote and realized that percy said that his old family killed his mom yet in the first chapter i didnt write that. Thats because i decide for it to be a GIGANTIC BOMB. and it worked. It so worked. Did it work? Whatever but i still need votes for who percy is gonna be with. Its either Hermione, Ginny, Luna, or any other big female charactet that i forgot to mention. And i know that Hermione is with ron and ginny with harry and luna with Neville and i ship them but i want one of the big characters with percy but i can't decide who. This is why i need votes.

Perseus Riddle *REWRITING*Where stories live. Discover now