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Kageyama and Hinata treasured every last moment they had together. Kageyama had this dying urge to confess his feelings but his determination of being a better person kept him from doing so. Hinata on the other hand, didn't want to ruin his friendship with the very little remaining time they could spend together.

As each day passed, Hinata found himself looking at his calendar and marking the days. He knew Kageyama was going to leave during the holidays but Kageyama would not tell him the date of departure even after Hinata's countless times of pestering. Exams soon came, and this became the last of his worries. They still spent time together, but they no longer talked about pointless things and everything under the sky. Now, the words they spoke were numbers, formulas, and scientific information that had to be remembered. Yachi, Tsukishima and Yamaguchi would occasionally stay back in school to help them and they would hold "Volleyball team study session" as replacement of two their training dates, leaving one for actual training to let them relax. Chikara had initiated the study session, convinced that he had to prove Karasuno volleyball students were not only good in sports but also academically inclined, to put it bluntly, Karasuno's volleyball team members were not idiots.

Needless to say, the study session worked and everyone came back with better results. Hinata waved his examination papers at Kageyama, he was proud of the approximate 60 he had gotten for all subjects. Kageyama on the other hand did slightly better, his memory wasn't bad in the first place, just that it was only those formulas and study materials that wouldn't go into his brain. Nishinoya too got somewhere around 60 for his papers, leading to Hinata and him doing a special hi-fi to celebrate. Tanaka on the other hand, did quite averagely for his papers, but barely passed his math. He was glad that he passed at least. Everyone else scored excellent results as usual. By then the third years too had finished their entrance exams so everyone contributed money to get pizzas and drinks for a team party. It was an awesome one indeed.

Winter break started.

Now that there was nothing to do, Hinata found himself wondering if he could ask Kageyama's parents about Kageyama's departure date, since he had Kageyama's father's phone number. He messaged Kageyama's father as he laced his shoes and headed off to holiday training. He knew something was off as he stepped into the gym, unable to find Kageyama. Training started...break came...there was still no sight of the raven haired setter. As afternoon approached, training ended. Hinata checked his messages to find that Kageyama's father had sent a photo of a plane ticket. Sendai airport to Fukuoka airport, boarding time 11.55am, ANA 1276, economy class, boarding gate 30A, seat 09C. Hinata looked at the time on his phone, 11am. He had about 50 minutes to reach there in time to say goodbye. He grabbed his bicycle and sped off, heading towards the familiar structure of the airport situated a few miles ahead.

11.45am. Hinata rushed in after parking his bicycle, frantically searching for the entrance to the departure hall. He came just in time to see Kageyama, pulling his luggage, disappear into the sea of people inside the hall. He didn't get to say goodbye. A wave of sadness overwhelmed him. Kageyama had left. He couldn't believe Kageyama didn't even let him have a chance to say goodbye. He fumbled with his phone and texted a goodbye, finally managing to press send and praying that Kageyama would see it before he boarded the plane. Surprisingly, Hinata felt like crying. This whole shit about leaving had hit him harder than he thought it would.

"Hinata!" Hinata plasters on the biggest smile he could as he turns around to see Kageyama's father and mother walking towards him. "Oji-san, Oba-san." He politely called as he waved to them. And soon he found himself being treated to lunch at the airport building 1F, Pronto cafe & bar.

Hinata decided to go with the cheapest food he could find, since he felt bad. So he got meat sauce spaghetti and iced milk. Milk. Hinata found himself once again being reminded of Kageyama. He sighed and waved his thoughts away, putting interest in striking up a conversation while the two middle aged adults seated in front of him. Kageyama's father ordered himself a plate of salmon and tatara sauce spaghetti and a cup of hot Kyoto uji matcha latte while Kageyama's mother decided to taste the cafe's new salmon and spinach spaghetti with almond milk sauce topped with a caramel masala chai. Kageyama's father also called a few desserts: Mascarpone cheese and raspberry mill crepe, mont blanc and a caramel apple chiffon cake.

Hinata stared at his meat sauce spaghetti the moment it arrived. He must say it looked exquisite. Coming from a normal family living in a small town, he didn't often patronised this kind of western cafes. Hinata didn't really know how to start with holding the spoon and fork. He tried to mimic Kageyama's dad and somehow managed to twirl the spaghetti after a few failed attempts. He gracefully placed the food in his mouth. This was some posh cafe, he wasn't going to embarrass Kageyama's parents with his usual eating habits. As they ate, they chatted, talks revolving around Kageyama. That was the only topic they had in common but also the last thing Hinata wanted to talk about. He listened and replied as energetically as he could anyway. Kageyama's parents told Hinata about their now better relationship with Kageyama and thanked him. Hinata felt really happy for his crush.

Kageyama was seated on the plane near the window. He looked down at the message from Hinata. "Kageyama-kun goodbye till we meet again. Have a safe trip.✈️ And I hope you learn alot alot of things and become a volleyball star!💪🏅🏐 Bring back souvenirs from Kyushuu ok?🍘 Keep in touch!" This was the third time Kageyama had read the message. He pressed his phone close to his heart and braced for the pressure as the airplane took off. "Goodbye Hinata. I love you."

Author's note:
Well about the cafe. I actually went to search what food stores there were in the sendai aiport on the internet. And the names are google translated. I tried correct them to make it sound normal but it might still sound alittle unnatural. About the airplane ticket thing. I dont really know how an airplane or boarding gates work coz ive never taken an airplane. So don't mind me if I made mistakes. Hope you like the storyline, thanks for reading this far! :) <3

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