Singing showdown!! -- Haikyuu edition

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  Kageyama woke up to the energised buzzing of his phone. He stirred, blinking his weary eyes as he picked up the call. "Kageyama-kun! Kageyama-kun! Wake up! Suga-senpai said that we will have a team outing tomorrow!! Awesome, isn't it? Hello? Kageyama?"  Loud chatter overwhelmed him as soon as he answered the call. He recognised the voice as Hinata. Groggily, he muttered a reply, asking Hinata to slow down and repeat what he had said. Hinata repeated his words and Kageyama bolted upright when Hinata mentioned "karaoke". He mumbled about not being able to sing. Hinata didn't catch him and asked him. "Nothing, dumbass." He had replied. Then Hinata screamed a "You better come, Bakayama!" and cut the call.

Kageyama knew he was in deep shit. He didn't want to be teased for his crow-like singing. He remembered the time during his preschool's music class, a girl had remarked that he was tone deaf and most of the class laughed in agreement. That was one of the most embarrassing moments in his life, and he absolutely did not want that happening again. But he couldn't let Hinata down by skipping, and it was a team event, he had to go. He spent the rest of the day practising to sing.

Tomorrow arrived way too soon for Kageyama. He recorded each time he practised singing a song. All the recordings sounded terrible. He prayed he would be able to push back his turn to sing for as long as he could.

The Karasuno team met at the atrium of the mall, before heading into the karaoke shop. Suga had booked the premium karaoke box which could fit about 20 people and even had a pool table. Kageyama hurried to the pool table once they got in, pulling Hinata with him while faking excitement in seeing the billards set.

They played pool for about half and hour as the other team members sang. Daichi and Suga sang a duet of the song "Eine Kleine". It was a beautiful song indeed. When they started the first note, almost the entire team had fallen in love with the song. Tsukishima made a mental note to add it to his online playlist afterwards.

Yamaguchi pulled Tsukishima to sing with him next, and Tsukishima placed a condition that he would only sing if he got to chose the song, leaving Yamaguchi no choice but to agree. Surprisingly, he chose a love song. Yamaguchi blushed and smiled as he interwined his fingers with Tsukki's slim ones. The song "Sarishinohara" blasted through the speakers. Everyone thought those two had good chemistry, even though Tsukishima's singing wasn't really perfect.

Nishinoya tried to pull Asahi to sing with him, but Asahi declined. So it ended up being him and Tanaka screaming to the songs "Fly High" by Burnout Syndromes 😉 and "Nevereverland" by Nano. Shimizu-san sang to Egoist's "Euterpe" and Yachi performed both "Sakura Ikimono Gakari" and "Kokoronashi".

Hinata was getting restless. He wanted to sing so badly but somehow, nothing would convince Kageyama to let him leave the snooker table. Kageyama also looked a bit tired and bored with the game. There was a glint of something in his eyes. But it wasn't sadness or anything. It took Hinata a while to realise that it was actually envy. "Is Kageyama afraid to sing?" that thought just popped into Hinata's mind and he shrugged, asking the exact same question to Kageyama who was beside him. Kageyama turned pale. And in that moment, Hinata knew he had hit the nail on the head.

He dragged Kageyama to the front and announced that it would be their turn next. "Idiot Hinata. What did you do that for? I really can't sing." Kageyama could feel hot tears welling up in his eyes. "Don't worry, you'll know why." Hinata replied, eyes still staring at the browse section on the online song list.

A familiar instrumental could be heard. Hinata picked up the microphone and signalled for Kageyama to do so too. "Kimi no koto omou hodo kono namida koboreru no 
Kono mama aenai to shitemo 
Dare yori suki dakara...
... Kimi kara meeru wo matsu no..." Kageyama smiled as he stared to rap. "Kimi to aeba semaru taimumitto..." Kageyama took beatboxing lessons, so he could keep up with the beat most of the time. Kageyama put on his sunglasses and a cap to get into the mood, which made Yachi remember about the time Kageyama wore that outfit in a practise attempt to spy on one of their opponent's match. It backfired though. Thinking about that, Yachi silently giggled.

Kageyama started to gain confidence, and sang the chorus softly. Nobody laughed at him after their performance, even though he was sure he sang out of tune. He should have trusted that his teammates would never laugh at him. Or maybe not. He saw Tsukishima snicker. But he still grinned at Hinata, who smiled back. "I need to thank Hinata later," Kageyama pointed out to himself. The rest of the karaoke was fun and a real breeze. Someone finally convinced Asahi to sing and of course, Asahi picked "jingle bells" which was probably the only song he could remember judging that they had a Christmas party last year.

It was one of the best days Kageyama had, other than volleyball practice, winning the Miyagi zone spring tournament with Hinata. Kageyama hung his head low, a goofy smile forming across his face. And he blushed.

As evening came, everyone went home. Kageyama managed to get a word of thanks across to Hinata and received a bright smile from him, which gave Kageyama a warm, bubbly feeling inside.

Author's note:
Thanks for picking this book to read. So it's my first book. Tell me if i made any mistakes. Hope you liked it and the songs are all Japanese. I ll put the youtube links below




Sakura ikimono gakari


Eine kleine (attached first page)

Love ia a beautiful pain (attached before kagehina duet)

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