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Monday. Normally Mondays would be terrible for everyone, who doesn't suffer from Monday blues? However, everyone in the volleyball team was too busy with receiving congratualations and shaking hands to even feel the gloomy Monday get to them.

Hinata bounced into his classroom after morning assembly's prize giving, and received a thunderous applause from his classmates. His bestfriends had flocked to him the moment he settled down, showering him with compliments. "Shouyo. I saw your match on National TV. Your team was so cool!" Yuuya gushed in awe, "Our baseball team didn't even get into the Nationals." Taka chipped in his two cents "Yeah, the match was very enjoyable, judging that I don't even like volleyball." Hinata beamed. He would really enjoy his celebrity fame while it lasted.

Kageyama on the other hand, also found himself cornered by a bunch of his classmates, eager to be acquainted with the well-known talented setter. He tried to smile while muttering a "thank you" everytime someone tried to congratulate him, but it backfired, scaring them away instead. He did manage to make some friends though. To him, Hinata was still the best friend he could ever ask for. Now that the tournament was over, his head got flooded with thoughts of Hinata once again.

"I got here first!" Hinata had chirped when Kageyama arrived at their usual lunch practise spot behind the gym. Hinata had dashed out of the classroom the moment the lunch bell rang, eager to win this race and also...eager to see Kageyama. "Yeah yeah, you win this time, but the ultimate winner will be me, dumbass." Kageyama's eyes glinted with a hint of amusement. They tabulated their wins. Hinata was in the lead with 40 wins while Kageyama had 39. Having nothing else to chat about, Hinata and Kageyama settled down in awkward silence to gobble up their food. Kageyama stole subtle glances at the orange haired kid beside him, who was shoving his mouth with rice and dishes. Unknown to Kageyama, it was just a cover to hide Hinata's embarassment of being sitted next to him. Their lunch practice was a weekly event. Or maybe daily, just that it was only once a week when Hinata would actually settle down for lunch with Kageyama. Hinata had friends, he couldn't just ditch them could he? Chatting with friends at least put his mind off the raven haired teen for a short while. They practised a simple toss and receive regime after they fed themselves.

When school ended that day, Nishinoya had pulled everyone in the volleyball team to the mall to celebrate their wi- no...achievement, as well as to cheer the third-year senpais on for their entrance exams. They went shopping at stores. All the first-years and second-years pooled their money to get good luck charms for the senpais. Suga got a rabbit's foot, Asahi a horse shoe, Daichi a four-leaf clover, and Shimizu lucky dice. Seeing Daichi disciplining the rowdy Tanaka and Nishinoya, Suga smiled. Daichi had reverted back to the strong-willed, prideful captain that everyone loved. Suga was relieved Daichi had cheered up.

Just trailing a little behind Suga was Hinata and Kageyama. Hinata had stopped at almost every store, staring in amazement at their products. He even oggled at store displays of women's clothing or makeup. Kageyama facepalmed. Hinata was acting like he had never been to the mall in his entire life, which was totally not true because just a few weeks ago, they were here singing karaoke. Even though what Hinata did was kind of annoying, he didn't mind 'babysitting' him, Hinata looked cute acting like a kid, not that he would ever tell Hinata that.

The team stopped by a sports shop. Hinata got himself a volleyball and some knee supports while the rest also bought similar things. Then they headed to the volleyball court nearby, to play some volleyball of course! Hinata gladly shared his volleyball, he needed to test it out too. Luckily, no one had lost their exuberance for the sport even after their loss just last friday. It was a sore topic for all of them, so nobody brought it up. One thing was for sure, they would never not love volleyball. And second thing, Daichi was sure that that day, they were absolute public nuisances.

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