A date...not

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"Hey Hinata...dumbass!" Hinata swerves around and sees Kageyama waving from the side booth at MosBurger. Hinata gingerly walks over. Kageyama is wearing a plain black shirt and camouflage trousers, topped with a pair of winter cowboy boots from lazada. Hinata had to admit, the clothing went really well with Kageyama's raven coloured hair and he even looked just that tiniest bit handsome.

"What am I even thinking?" Hinata blushed as he waved those thoughts away. "What are you standing there for? Hurry up sit down. You are blocking other people's way, idiot." Kageyama shot an annoyed look at Hinata after seeing him freeze in position. And Hinata upon realising his mishap, quickly carried his tray over and sat down. They started eating in silence.

Kageyama wondered why he even bothered to dress up for this seemingly casual event. He had spent an hour choosing what to wear, which was surprising for him, considering he had always not cared for appearances. His mind wandered to that time Hinata asked him out for this "outing". He was exceptionally happy that day and that puzzled him. "Must be because it was the first time I have ever been invited out by someone" he thought.

Being the infamous "King of the Court" in middle school, nobody dared to interact with him and he knew people talked behind his back all the time. He had no friends at all. It was just him and volleyball, one that even his teammates couldn't and wouldn't catch. That was until he came to Karasuno High...He was brought back to reality by a sprightly orange blur shouting "Down to earth, King!" His eyes focused back onto his burger as he listened to Hinata's constant chattering and giving subtle replies occasionally.

They went for a movie after that -- Titanic. Kageyama didn't even know why they decided on this movie. Hinata had somehow fallen asleep duing the movie, head nestled on Kageyama's broad shoulders. Kageyama felt his heart race. He just brushed it off by convincing himself that it was just his mind playing tricks on him.

The movie ended. Kageyama gently shook Hinata awake. Hinata rubbed his eyes, mumbling "Mom...it's still early". "Hinata dumbass! You went to watch a movie with me. Remember?!" That woke Hinata up who blushed. He recovered in a few seconds though, and to diminish the awkward air between them, suggested they play volleyball. Kageyama agreed and they headed off to the central park.

"Toss to me Kageyama!" The ball went up. Hinata followed suit and jumped. Hinata soared and in a split second, spiked the ball down. "Great job Hin-...dumbass!" Kageyama ruffled the boy's messy orange hair, then watched as the boy shot of in a blur of orange after the volleyball.

The Sun started to set after hours of tossing, spiking, receiving. Kageyama laughed as Hinata tried to imitate Nishinoya's rolling thunder. They settled down by the pond watching the last fiery embers fade from view. "How pretty..." Hinata stared in awe.

Then they parted. Hinata, cheerful as ever waved Kageyama a good bye after getting pork buns from the convenience store. And Kageyama just replied with a "Don't get yourself injured on the way home, dummy".

Hinata reached home, exhausted. It was a really really fun day for him. He hoped Kageyama had enjoyed the day as much as he could. He messaged Kenma, filling him on details of the outing. Happiness was replaced by confusion when Kenma sent "love is in the air" as a reply. Kenma knew Hinata wouldn't get it, Hinata was just too dense, but sent it anyway, for fun. Hinata also messaged Kageyama a goodnight and after reading his reply, fell asleep, smiling.

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