Hinata's part to tell

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"Just because you like someone doesn't mean it's love." Yup, Kageyama wasn't going to risk his very important, cherished friendship for his own infatuation. Finally managing to soothe his crazily thumping heart, he fell asleep.

Hinata could hear soft snoring coming from the raven hair lad beside him. He watched the rythmic rise and fall of Kageyama's chest. Hinata couldn't sleep no matter what he tried. He was kept awake by the rushing thoughts that flooded into his mind. He sighed and decided to just head to the toilet to maybe wash his face, hoping to clear his mind.

Hinata catiously clambered down from the bed, afraid to wake the sleeping teen beside him. He opened the door, and headed to the toilet, only to bump into someone coming out from the bathroom. For that instant, Hinata wanted to scream "ghost". But then he realised that the person in front of him, or should he say, man in front of him looked shocked as well. Hinata assumed that the man was Kageyama's father. Standing at approximately 185cm, even through the dark, Hinata could see that the man had Kageyama's raven black hair. To Hinata, Kageyama's father was a splitting image of what Kageyama would most likely look like as an adult, just with dark brown eyes. Kageyama's dad was first to break the silence. He probably figured out that Hinata wasn't a robber, judging from the youngster's bright orange hair and the fact that the teen was wearing his son's clothes. But anyways, Kageyama's father just had to make sure, "Are you Tobio's friend?" "Uh yeah." Hinata snapped out from his daze, "We're in the same club. And we were just practising volleyball during the day just that I kind of fell into the river. He was kind to lend me a change of clothes and to stay over. Really sorry to have troubled you and your son!" Hinata bowed apologetically. "It's ok. Tobio has always been very unsociable. So it's really great that he has a friend. His mother and I, we're always so busy that we haven't given him the affection and attention he deserves. So I'm glad he has a friend to do that for him, at least he won't be lonely." Hinata now mostly understood why Kageyama had an egoistical attitude when they first met. He was used to being alone so much that he just didn't know how to interact with anyone at all. In his world, there was only him and him alone. "But if Uncle spends time with him, I'm sure he will be happy." "You're right. But after so long, I have no idea how to face Tobio at all." Kageyama was similar to his father in someway, being unable to understand people's thoughts well, but it's not like he himself was any better, Hinata thought. "But we all have to take the first step. I'm sure he'll be really really happy if you just take the weekend off to spend time with him or attend one of his volleyball matches." Kageyama's father smiled. "I will one day. Tobio's lucky to have such a good friend as you are." Hinata laughed awkwardly, telling him that it was natural for a friend to do so. Then, they bid each other goodnight. But before that, Kageyama's father gave him his number, asking him to message the dates for the spring tournaments so Kageyama's mum and he could drop by to support Kageyama and give him a surprise. Hinata gladly agreeed.

Hinata slowly trudged back to Kageyama's room and settled down on the bed after placing the business card in his bag. He felt that the day was a little too eventful. He couldn't believe that a day full of events from a shoujo manga could actually exist. Being invited to his house, learning a secret about him no one knew, wearing his clothes, seeing him worry, meeting his parents, or maybe parent, and now sleeping in the same bed...It was seriously too overwhelming for Hinata.

Hinata was experiencing feelings he had never felt all his life. He felt happy, in a different way, I mean like he had helped Kageyama with something, and that would really make Kageyama happy. He felt a mix of satisfaction, happiness, bliss, bitterness, sweetness, embarassment, and sadness combined into one, bubbling inside him. Well sadness because Hinata knew Kageyama would never feel the same for him. But still this feeling was like swosh, woosh then kaboom! Was this what they called love? Hinata wondered. He couldn't remember when he started to feel his heart tingled everytime Kageyama smiled at him or ruffled his hair when they succeeded in their quick. All he knew was that -- he was in love! His heart squeezed when he once again realised the fact that Kageyama wouldn't feel the same for him. All Kageyama had in his eyes were volleyball. Hinata burried his head in the pillow, in attempt to smother the thoughts. And somehow in the process, fell into a slumber.

Hinata was a terribly messy sleeper. When morning came, Kageyama found hinself squashed onto the wall with Hinata's hand on his face. He carefully shifted Hinata's hand away before going downstairs to make breakfast.

Hinata woke shortly after, used to rising early to get to school. He clattered down the stairs and into the kitchen to get a glass of water. He found Kageyama frying some eggs. "Go get yourself a glass of milk from the fridge. Pour me one while you are at it too." Kageyama instructed, still focusing on the sizzling sunny side ups in front of him. He plated the sunny side ups and grabbed the four pieces of bread that had popped out of the toaster. "Help yourself to the butter." Kageyama looked at Hinata, smiling when he saw him whistling a cheerful tune while spreading butter on his bread. After a goodnight's sleep, Hinata's miseries were wiped away. Although, when Hinata looked up to find that Kageyama was gazing at him while smiling, he felt his heartbeat rising fast. "Badump, badump, badump." Hinata was sure if he didn't break the silence quick, Kageyama would be able to hear his heart pounding furiously against his chest. "Why don't you eat your breakfast? It's getting cold." Hinata faked curiousity and flashed Kageyama one of his signature smiles. And Kageyama realising he had been caught staring, lowered his head in embarrassment and started to dig in into his food, "G...got it dumbass. Just to remind you, you spreaded too much butter on your bread." Hinata glanced back to his bread and realised that Kageyama was right. But he wasn't going to admit his mistake "Hngh! I just like alot of butter on my bread." "Dumbass..." They ate in comfortable silence.

After breakfast, Hinata had to head home. He had promised his mum. So they parted. Seeing Hinata disappearing down the road made Kageyama feel that he didn't mind Hinata just staying a little bit longer, no to put it more specifically, he yearned for Hinata to stay longer. And unknown to him, Hinata held the same wish.

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