Training hitches

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  After Daichi's pep talk, Kageyama and Hinata had headed off to warm up. They started by jogging around the school. They jogged together, stride matching stride. Even though Hinata had better reflexes, Kageyama jogged everyday, so he had great stamina and they were matched.



They both started speaking at the same time. Kageyama gestured for Hinata to speak first. "Well, I was wondering if you wanna do extra practice today..." Hinata laughed nervously. "That was exactly what I wanted to ask, dumbass." They fist bumped, then continued their jog by increasing their pace and lastly, racing to their "finish line". They arrived at the same time. Kageyama gave Hinata a pat, or should I say, a slap, on his back. Hinata coughed out a compliment in return "Greakofft job, Bakayama!" Kageyama smirked. Hinata turned his head to face Kageyama.

In that instant, Kageyama's deep blue eyes locked with Hinata's light brown ones. Hinata realised how pretty Kageyama's eyes looked. They were like pools, deep ones, which held hidden secrets and emotions. They were...fascinating...mysterious.

Tanaka came out of the gym to get some fresh air, only to find Hinata and Kageyama, staring at each other and moving closer and closer each passing second. He tried to slip back, but his loud presence had already alerted the two lovebirds.

Kageyama looked away and blushed deeply. Then he stood confused. What had they been doing for the past few minutes? Why was he so interested in Hinata's twinkling brown eyes? He felt his heart start to race. He tried to ignore it and turned back to get Hinata to go back into the gym. Before he could do anything, he heard Hinata scream, and saw him run away, towards the taps. Shrugging, Kageyama headed back into the gym.

Tanaka was shocked by what he had seen. But while those two were having their own thoughts train, he quietly went back in. Obviously, Tanaka the energetic one, told a few people about it. That included Tsukishima, Yamaguchi (who happened to be there), Nishinoya and Yachi.

When Kageyama stepped in the gym, Tanaka shut up and went back to practice. Tsukishima however, who liked to disturb Kageyama, started to tease him. "So. I heard what happened outside. Guess you finally found someone who would accept you huh, King." Tsukishima actually meant to congratulate Kageyama, but the sight of Kageyama just annoyed him, so that came out sharper than he had hoped for. Yamaguchi and Yachi on the other hand, kept congratulating Hinata who just came back from the taps. Poor Hinata was confused. And Kageyama shot a glare to both Tsukishima and also Tanaka, who of course feigned ignorance.

"Why are Yachi and Yamaguchi congratulating me?" Hinata walked towards Kageyama and asked. Then it suddenly hit him. Tanaka-senpai being there and witnessed it all. He covered his face with both hands and shrieked.

"Hinata idiot, everyone is staring." Kageyama lightly punched Hinata. "Let's get back to training." Hinata nodded and they headed towards the nets, head still burried in his hands. Even though Kageyama was equally embarrassed, he couldn't let it show on his face and become new teasing material for the senpais and Saltyshima.

Training went on as usual, maybe with the exception of a little accident. Nishinoya had wanted to give Asahi a surprise and leaped on him when he came back from the toilets. That shocked the fragile Asahi so much, he toppled over and fell forward. It wasn't a big deal, but now Asahi has a large bump on his forehead. But being the kind hearted soul as he is, he didn't blame it on the mischievous Nishinoya though. 

The extra training went smoothly too, which was surprising for both Kageyama and Hinata, considering all that happened in the afternoon.

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