Zeke kisses his teeth. "I'm ya husband."

"So?" She looks back at him.

"Whatever." Zeke mumbles before getting out of the bed. "I have a client to shoot at 9."

Naomi lifts her eyebrows up. "I may be telling on myself, but I checked your calendar and you were free today."

Zeke chuckles to himself. "Why you always gotta be in control, angel?" He shakes his head. "But, yeah I was. Late addition."

"You never take late clients." Naomi tilts her head at him. "Who is it?"

"Um," He shrugs his shoulders. "Some girl from Houston. Said she wanna show off her body art." Zeke disappears into the master bath.

Naomi tries to process what's just been said to her. Slowly, she gets up to also go into the bathroom. Zeke is on his side of the vanity, brushing his teeth.

He looks at Naomi through the mirror, noticing that she had on her reading face. Meaning she's trying to read the seriousness of the situation.

Zeke puts his head down and spits. Once he lifts his head back up, he could feel her eyes still on him. "What I do now?"

"Since when do you do nude photos?" Naomi questions as she leans on the wall.

Wiping his mouth with a face cloth, he sighs. "I just started. It's not that big of a deal."

"Mm, how many have you done?"

Zeke glances at her before washing his face. "3."

"Interesting." Naomi nods her head as she walks to her side of the vanity. He watches as she gets out everything she needs to do her morning routine.

"Are you mad?"

Naomi glares at him. "What do you think?"

Zeke sighs as he scratches his head. "I'm a photographer, Naomi. It's just business. I'm not even looking at them like that."


He kisses his teeth. "Don't do that. Say what's on your mind."

Naomi laughs lightly. "I'd rather keep these thoughts to myself right now. What I am going to say is that you could have ran that by me before you decided to do it. Not discussing it with me is causing many questions to form in my mind. Basically, this could have been avoided." She grabs her toothbrush. "Now, go get dressed. Traffic."

"You know I wouldn't betray you, right?" Zeke wraps his arm around her waist.

"I do." She nods her head. "Because I would blow this thing up, literally and figuratively. However, if you think that's the point I was trying to make, you wasn't listening to me."

Zeke sighs and watches as she begin to brush her teeth. Before he could say anything, a tiny knock sounded against their bedroom door. Zeke removes his arm from around her to go open it.

Twisting the knob, he opens the door to find Chase, Saint and Jamila standing there. He folds his arms across his chest. "What happened?"

Jamila huffs, a sign that she was about to talk first. "Daddy, Chase is literally the worst thing that has happened to this family."

Zeke opens his mouth to talk, but Chase interrupts.

"Real bold in front of Dad." He says with his raspy voice.

"Well, Nia made breakfast." Saint speaks up, putting his hand inside of the small bowl that's in his hand. He eats on a few grapes, chewing loudly.

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