S2 Chapter 11

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Season 2 Chapter 11

Jack's POV

After Daniel left I ran into Y/N's room. She was laying in bed but she sat up immediately when she saw me.

"Jack, oh my god." She ran up and hugged me. It felt so good to have her back.

"I'm so sorry...this whole situation is a nightmare. I'm so glad you're ok, you don't even know. We can finally be together...and this time no interruptions." I smiled, but Y/N looked a little uncomfortable. She looked away. "Is something wrong?" I asked.

"No, no of course not." She still wouldn't look me in the eye. "It's just these painkillers I guess..they make me act a little off." She smiled back. There was a pause. I realized in the car that I never told her I loved her back....at least not in time anyway. I was about to say it when Y/N's mom ran in.

"Thank god!" She ran and hugged Y/N. "I'm so sorry I couldn't get here sooner, but I'm here now." She turned toward me. "Um, hello Jack." She said awkwardly. It was obvious they were still a little angry with me, I mean they had every right too. I had almost cost their daughter her life.


After Jack left and my family went down to get dinner at the cafeteria, you sat in bed and realized how crazy the last few weeks had been. You hadn't had any time to think by myself. You layed back and closed your eyes and was about to fall asleep when you heard a knock at the door. You looked up. It was Taylor.

You were in shock. What had she come to do now? Murder you? You tried to think of an escape route, but there were none.

"You can relax, I'm not going to hurt you." She said as she sat down at the end of your bed. "I only came to make sure you're alive, ok? I've come to a conclusion that you can have Jack, he wants nothing to do with me now. I've moved on." She smiled. I wasn't buying it. There was no way Taylor would give up, it just wasn't her. Without thinking you said,

"I think I'm going to break up with him." You couldn't believe you had just said that. You'd just told the biggest blabbermouth you knew a huge secret. Maybe the meds really were affecting your brain. Taylor looked surprised.

"Are you an idiot? Why would you do that?" She asked.

"First of all, I'm not an idiot, and I don't have to tell you why. It's for personal reasons." You replied. She pretended to look sad.

"Aww someone feels bad." She laughed.

"Taylor, what are you talking about?" You ask.

"Y/N please, I know why you're doing this. You feel bad that they've put everything on hold for you, and you feel like you're going to ruin their career." She crossed her arms and stood up. "You're making the wrong choice."

"How would you know, I don't remember you being part of this relationship." You say sarcastically.

"Y/N I 'dated' the boy for a week. I could see that every time I was with him, he wasn't thinking about me. He was thinking about you, and only you. He pretended like he didn't think about your breakup, but please. I could see right through him." She looked directly at me. "Breaking up with him is going to crush him, again. You're seriously going to put him through that twice? I know I can't be with him, but I want him to be happy. So that means if you and him break up than I will find you, and that's when things will get ugly." She strutted out of the room, leaving me in awe. Was Taylor right? Was I making the right choice?


The next chapter will be the season finale and the end of this fanfic!!

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