S2 Chapter 6

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Season 2 Chapter 6

Jack POV

I felt myself wake up, and I immediately wake looked around.

"Nurse, he's awake," I heard someone say. People started rushing around me while I was trying to remember what the hell was going on. Then the whole thing came rushing back. Y/N. The car. The accident.

"Where-- where's Y/N?" I could barely get my words out.

"Honey, no talking for you, you need to rest." The nurse smiled.

"No, where's Y/N?" I was starting to talk louder. The nurses exchanged glances.

"She hasn't woken up yet," she almost whispered. I didn't know what to say. All that came rushing through my brain was that this was all my fault. How could this happen? Things were supposed to go back to normal, but I'm not even sure what normal was anymore.

*Dallas (the next tour stop) a few hours earlier*

Jonah's POV

"Hey, I wonder why we haven't gotten a text from Jack about how things went with Y/N" I said.

"Well, no news is good news, right?" Corbyn laughed. "He's probably out with her now."

August entered the room, looking distressed.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Daniel asked.

"Hey guys, David just got a call. There's been an accident.

*Philadelphia, present time*

Jack's POV

I was able to stand up and walk around now. I had no major injuries except a few scrapes and bruises, but that was only because I hadn't been on the side of the impact. Y/N had.

Naturally, I had been begging to see her but the nurses said she was in surgery. They were trying to remove a part of the car that had impaled her. Just thinking about it made me want to burst out of that room and help her. I don't know how I would, but I'd do anything. I had gotten a call from David saying the boys were flying to Philadelphia as soon as possible and they were skipping the next few tour dates. This was not going to be good for our reputation, but they insisted on coming.

I was pacing in my room when a nurse told me I could see her now. I almost ran to the room and the nurse told me to not be alarmed when I saw her, she was pretty beaten up. And all because of me. I pushed the door open, and nothing could prepare me for what I saw. She was completely bruised and scratched up beyond belief. She wasn't even breathing on her own, she had something else breathing for her. There were tubes and IVs everywhere. I almost fell to the floor but caught myself. What had I done?


Ohhh nooo!

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