CH 42: Intruder Alert & Late Night Cuddles

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Coming out in sweats, I grabbed a shirt from my drawer. Dropping my towel, I threw it overhead quickly, my back facing him, shaking my hands through my damp and curly thick hair.

He watched my every move not even being subtle about it. "You're staring," I said taking a bite out of an afghan cookie.

"Cause you're beautiful," he stated factually grabbing my hands making me land right next to him in giggles. The rain continued to pour heavily outside making it the perfect weather for a cozy movie session.

I blushed wildly. "Still a sweet
talker," I rolled my eyes before letting out a loud yawn. I was exhausted as heck.

Taking a long sip of my mango smoothie, he eyed me weirdly while I savoured my favorite snack. "We're really good at avoiding topics, you and me," I said sitting cross legged opposite him fidgeting with my nails nervously.

He took my drink out of my hand and slurped it loudly. "Wow. This is a good smoothie," he licked his lips before taking another sip.

"Ryder!" I whined, hitting his shoulder so he could get serious for once, making him set the beverage aside.

He tucked my hair behind my ear, leaning in slowly with a serious face. "I bet your cookies taste even better," he whispered, dipping his head down and taking a bite straight out of the one in my hand. He wiggled his eyebrows while chewing.

"You're something else," I told him flatly from the innuendo he just made trying to suppress a smile from creeping onto my face.

"And you're ticklish," he said with a raised eyebrow creeping up closer to me.

"Don't you dare!" I squealed, laughing before he even touched me.

Poking my sides, I squirmed, giggling uncontrollably. "ST-OP!" I cackled like a witch twisting from side to side making him straddle me to keep me down. Making me even more flustered at our current position.

"Stop what?" He asked innocently, tickling me further and laughing even harder at my loud shrieking.

"We're gonna wake up my parents!" I slapped my hand over my mouth realizing how much noise we were making. I ran my fingers slowly through his soft hair. His eyes became sympathetic as he traced the bruise on my neckline.

"Well, we better be quiet then," he placed his hands beside my face leaning in but not letting his weight down on me. I bit my lip anxiously, arching my back so I could just kiss his damn lips already. His smirk grew bigger knowing how much I wanted him. Holding my chin, he kissed me softly, butterflies started up when it grew deeper and more urgent.

I heard my doorknob jingling making me pull back and turn my head sharply. Pushing Ryder off of me he landed on the floor with a loud oof.

Franny popped her head in looking around the dark room with a confused look.

"Miha? Are you okay? I thought I heard...." she drifted off her sentence, walking inside.

"Yeah, just sleepy. Still a little shaken up," I stretched my arms lazily letting out a yawn hoping she'd buy it.

I passed Franny the plate and glass so she wouldn't have to come around the bedside to get it. Ryder snickered from below at my response.

Nodding laboriously, her worried look formed into her signature one eyebrow raised and curled smile expression when she knew something was up. Or in this case, down, sprawled on my bedroom floor.

"Get some rest then." She walked out slowly. "The both of you," she added with a knowing look shutting the door.

I huffed out loudly flopping back down on the bed. Nothing ever gets past that old lady.

The Risk To LoveOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz