The Clan Leader Rises

Start from the beginning

You spared a smile for his efforts and nodded in agreement.

"But anyway," he paused, the shift in his tone quickly turning southward. "How is father? Is he...?"

He couldn't stomach to finish his question, and you brought it upon yourself to save him the trouble.

"Don't worry. Genji said Shimada-sama was stabilized before anything really bad happened. He's just resting now, but he hasn't woken up ever since he fell."

"Is that so?" your lover sighed, massaging the center of his pale brow with two fingers. "Um, you think you could watch over him in my absence? If it isn't too much to ask of you."

"Of course not!" you exclaimed readily the second you picked up wind of his reticence. "I'll watch over your father for you until your return, Lord Hanzo. I and Genji will."

"Arigatou goza imazu," he replied. "Thank you for being there when I need you the most, (Y/N)."

"I imagine it's not easy being there, huh?" you asked. "If I could, I'd go over there right now and give you a hug. But alas, all I can do is call you and talk."

"Trust me. It's more than enough."

You looked back on what he just said, having heard a noticeable trace of gratefulness in his statement. It sowed uncertainty in your heart, and for the second time that day, you struggled on settling with what you wanted to say. A million things ran across your head, all of them heartfelt sentiments you wished to express to the only man you've ever been willing to give all of your being to--and cried over.

"Hanzo..." you squeaked.

"What is it, (Y/N)?"

Upon realizing that you had nothing more to say than what was needed, you shook your head instead. "Nothing," you muttered. "I love you. Be careful out there."

"I will," he answered back with a voice just as soft and heartfelt. "I yearn for your touch; never have I felt more lonely than now. And as much as I desire for you to stay and keep me company with your lovely voice, I fear that I may have exhausted you too much. You must be tired."

"I am," you confirmed with a giggle and a yawn. "But I like keeping you company."

"Perhaps tomorrow," he offered. "But for now you must rest."

"I guess so. Good night, Lord Hanzo."

"Oh, and (Y/N)-" the man exclaimed hurriedly from the other line.

"What is it?"

You then heard him sigh, "Hanaretaku nai. Itsumo kimi no koto wo kangaete iruyo..."

Your body froze, and you would have dropped the phone had you not had a tight grip on it beforehand. To your surprise, you managed to crack a grin amidst your awe, and you nodded though he won't see it, and returned the favor with something just as amorous.

"Kimi ga hitsiyou da." You smiled. "Zutto issho ni itai, Hanzo."


Every beep that came out of the heart monitor was another thorn plucked out from your chest, and though the feeling would let you breathe comfortably every once in a while, it never seemed to lapse the time. Lord Hanzo's return would still be in two week's time, and yet it definitely felt like there should be one week left at most.

How long have I been watching over Shimada-sama?

He hasn't shown any signs of consciousness at all, and you doubted he'd start fluttering his eyelids open the longer you'll look at his frail, draped body and sickly pallor.

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