"We can make it better."-Chapter Fifteen

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Denny Hugh Jones as

Denny Hugh Jones as

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Dylan Sprouse


"We can make it better."-Chapter Fifteen

I barged into the house and threw some clothes over my shoulder and headed to the restroom located on the other side of the room. But not before Denny came from behind the door looking pissed as ever. I cursed under my breath.

"Where have you been these last few months and why do you smell so foul," He lectured with a serious tone," And why all of a sudden come back home now and barge into the place like it's yours again!" His voice grew louder and he looked mad. Denny has never been this mad before.

So to die down the tension I told him in a soft voice, "I found Cooper." I kept my eyes glued to the floor not wanting to look at his face. When I did look up he stood there speechless with a loss for words.

"How is he?" He choked out.

I shook my head. "He's not the same anymore."

"What do you mean not the-"

"Look I need you to go to this location," I gave him a small slip of paper that had an address written on it, " And don't come out until I come to get you. I have something to do. Promise me?" I informed him.

"Promise. I guess my questions wait until you get back." He looked sad. I shook my head yes and gave him a tight hug.

"Get going now or else you won't make it in time." I shooed him along. We said our goodbyes and as I hopped into the shower I couldn't stop but to think about Cooper's words over and over. 'No harsh feeling but you and your business can go elsewhere.' I shut my eyes and decided to save that memory for later and shut the shower off.

I got dressed in some black skinny jeans with a long-sleeved grey sweatshirt. I put on some shades, grabbed my new phone I got when I came back from where ever they were keeping me captive. Those guards were pretty easy to knock out. And headed out the door into my Lamborghini I got for my eighteenth birthday which was last fall. It's black and has white outlining on some of the features of the car. Nice.

I sped down the high way until I reached the building I was looking for.

I locked the door behind me and entered the building. As I did so, every eye in the place landed on me.

"Boo," I said and they all jumped but went back to work. I laughed and kept walking until I hit the big white doors with columns on either side. I pushed through them with a sarcastic smile plastered on my face.

"Ly, what are you doing here? I thought James had you."

My mother spoke as she rose from her spot next to a large chair. The room was like an enormous courtroom. But I didn't care. I was still very angry with the shades still on hiding my eyes I began to walk closer.

"Who? Your boyfriend? He's not very strong. I knocked him clean out. Forever."

I smiled at her as her face went pale.

"How could you?" She whispered in a shocked tone.

"How could I?" I scoffed," You put this on yourself old lady now don't go pointing fingers because it all comes back to you." I poked at her chest and that got her fuming.

"Don't you dare talk to your mother that way. Ever."

I burst out into laughter at her remark.

"You? A mother? My mother? I lost her years ago. You're a monster and I will never be like you. Landon is coming and he's coming soon. We'll see what he has to say for you when he gets here. All of you." I replied calmly. Too calm. I even surprised myself but I didn't show it.

"I've told you once before and I'm not afraid of doing so again. Landon is dead. GONE. Let it go. Now leave and never come back." My own mother expectorated in anger.

That's when it snapped inside of me making me realize that the operation to make me communicate with others was not just that. They were going to kill me so I couldn't overpower them. The government. So they could stay in control of the rest of humanity. They wanted to get rid of me. My own mother wanted me gone off the face of the earth.

I shook my head in disapproval and gave a cruel smile.

I spat with venom in my tone with no expression, " I've warned you, all too many times."

I took a few steps back and looked at the semi-circle filled with rows of seats with monsters who filled this world with rumors and cruelty. As I cast upon the next few seconds I promise, I'll never forget you, daddy. I spread my arms out wide as my eyes blasted white and blasted everything into blazing fits of poisonous fire as it began to inflame the room with fire from the pit that burned within me telling me I had won and to let them rot in the pit of darkness that lies before them.


Everything struck a blinding white and transitioned into a cold darkness. I fell onto the floor with nothing left in me but emptiness.





Someone began to walk towards me in the quiet still darkness. Besides the heavy footsteps, I thought I demolished everyone in my blow out?

The person stood before me nice and tall. A man. I sat up and took him in.

"If you come with me, we can change the world Lyra. We can make it better." Landon outstretched his hand for me to join him.

I have nothing else to lose so I took his hand and let the darkness overtake the rest of my sanity.

Hand in hand we were going to rule this kingdom to pieces.




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