"Miss me?"-Chapter Three

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"Miss me?"-Chapter Three

The man who I've been observing from behind the columns has come into full view.

It couldn't be.

Could it?

I was astonished as I stare at the man who I've thought was taken from me forever.

Cooper Lee Edmund Jones.

Was now within my grasp.

I couldn't breathe, speak or think as I stared at him.

I stammered to think, 'you're here? You're here. I thought you left me  forever.'

As I process through my brain that he can't hear me. I felt kind of stupid because,  No one can. He stops me in mid thought-

"Miss me? Or are you going to keep rambling on about nonsense?" He mocked as he took a step forward.

I stare at him in awe and disbelief as I take in the horror, excitement, fear, relief, in the fact that someone heard me. Finally. I blow out a breath I didn't know I was holding in.

"You can hear me?" I ask as the curiousness oozes from my thoughts.

"Of course I can, remember what happened?" He reclaims as I catch a glimpse of hatred written across his face as he takes another step forward, now at least twenty feet from me.

My face goes pale as I remember the last time I saw him.  I clench my fists and look away. The last time I shed a tear and vowed never to show my vulnerability ever again.

He stopped my pondering with a loud crackle of his hands coming full force together,  right at me. I couldn't prepare myself for what happened next. He stretched his hands out and then clapped his hands together once more to make a loud thunderous noise. Then, waves of blue electricity radiated through the air. Everything all of a sudden turned into thick black darkness.

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