"Meet the gang." Chapter Seven

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"Meet the gang." Chapter Seven

He led me to this monstrous room full of teenagers. It appears to be a big mansion and probably costs a lotThe room was held up by cream-colored columns and the walls were black with the same design on Ka'cean's shirt. There were picnic tables everywhere and everyone was dressed in black. They spontaneously froze to watch me.

I internally screamed at them declaring, "What is ya staring at? Mind your own damn business and continue on with your jovial beloved evening."

Earning a light snicker from Ka'cean who was behind me and everyone's thoughts seized as they all awkwardly went back to eating and trying to ignite a conversation.

I smiled on the inside for standing up for myself and that someone could actually get the hint to lay off.

Since Ka'cean is the only person I kind of know, I followed him in the line to get some orange chicken with rice and a Pepsi. Who knew they could have such good taste in food and clothes over here?

After we got our food, Ka'cean lead me to a group of guys sitting at a table in the core of the room.

He sat down first then I sat beside him with me in the middle of Ka'cean and a hot guy with brown hair and hazel eyes.

I looked around the table to see three other guys. Two twins with light blue eyes, and jet black hair.

My hair is also jet black and was naturally born with light streaks of grey in my hair. Did I also mention one of my eyes is light grey and the other black with a streak of grey? Anyways, the other guy across the table and the one I sat right next to shared similar features and were related in some way while one had dirty blonde hair and the other platinum blonde. Blondey had a lip piercing and amber eyes. The dirty blonde had two eyebrow piercings in just one, a nose piercing, lip piercing, and a permanent scowl.

They all had ink splattered all over their bodies and were all black and white.

Ka'cean started up the conversation, "Meet the gang,

"Alexander and Liam," He said while pointing towards the two twins.

"James," Was the dirty blonde and, "Ethan," was the blondy.

I stopped my gawking and looked towards Ka'ceanamd repeated out of curiosity, "Gang?"

"We are all," Ka'cean started while pointing outward to everyone in the room, "Divided into different gangs and the leader is given the opportunity to title your clan."

I chewed the rest of my food and swallowed."What's your name?" I joined curiosity getting the best of me.

"I'm glad you asked," Ka'cean began with a grin plastered on his face, James groaned and Ka'cean shot him a glare, "Blood Bunnies." He beamed happily.

I choked on my food and burst out into laughter. "Blood Bunnies?"

He shrugged and said, " Off the top of my head." And I shook my head in disbelief.

After we finished, we dumped the remainder of food into the trash bins and put our trays on top.

Kac, as I like to call him now just to shorten it because I'm too lazy to enunciate all the syllables , told me that today was a free day and we get to have one once a week at random. Kac showed me my room on the third story, then said I could hang out with him and the rest of the 'Blood Bunnies' for the rest of the day. After about a half an hour of a tour to visualize the place, we spent three hours of non-stop playing around, joking, gaming, and talking. We all got to know each other but there was no sign of this C.J. dude and Cooper from yesterday. But there were a lot of teens clumped up in a conversation in every corner gossiping or having a good time.

This place actually seems pretty pleasant. I can't believe I let the government get into my head and believed all their lies. I shook the thought out of my head as I excused myself from the group and went up to my room and changed into some rainbow shorts and shirt pajamas and waddled over to the bed.

Kac told me the reasoning behind him being so harsh this morning was not personal, but orders and everything would be explained on my first day tomorrow.

I still didn't know why or what I was here for, and what I had business to attend to on the other side of the wall. But it felt like I was destined to be here. Like these people are supposed to be my friends. We can get close, become family.

Real friends, real family.

The thought made me warm and fuzzy inside and I smiled.

A real smile, something I haven't done in a long time.

Too tired to think any longer, I dozed off into a wonderous sleep. A good sleep. Something I hadn't done in a while.

A/N: Fun Fact: This story was actually based off a prompt in English I had to write. But this one's way better.

Anyways, hope it was worth the read and the best is yet to come!!!


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