" Fear"-Chapter Ten

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" Fear"-Chapter Ten

There are many things about us that normal beings don't understand. What matters in life, how we use it, how we describe it, tell our story, how we journey through it, how we live it. But the real question is, how do you use it? How do you live it right? From the period between the birth and death of all living creatures we eat differently, sleep differently, and look differently. But are all the same in the living light of nature. You must accept you for who you are.

As Cooper stood on the other side of the room, we both stood inside a huge gymnasium which was barely lit up and were standing on the outside of a huge circle which in the center of it seemed to be a maze-like machine that started with a wall and rope on either side of the the circle with various tasks in the middle. Which we had to go through with two big red glossy buttons right smack in the middle of the circle and contraption.

As soon as I opened the door he explained to me that every day I would have to go through the contraption that stood before us and make it through before we could go on to the next level. Lord only knows I could try but fail because he was obviously a lot stronger than me and knew what we were doing a lot better than I knew.

He gave me a fair shot and let me practice a few times.

I failed my first day.

And the next.

And the next.

Now, this is the second week of me being here and I still haven't won this stupid preparation game. But I've gotten better.

It gets too overwhelming at times so I go to my happy place to balance my mind and think of the happy thoughts. But not this time. This time, I focused on the negative energy and two days before the night my once was best friend and dad were stripped from me.



Cooper said-

"Not everyone can be your friend, Ly. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. But most of all don't let your guard down for anyone, trust no one, and only protect yourself. That's how you win the game of life in this society."


I focused back in as the time beamed


And I made my emotions focus on one thing only,




As the clock began to count down I threw my vest off onto the cold still floor. I assessed on everything and how I could do it and what could go wrong and what could go right this time.





Time was ticking and my decision was made.





I took three long quick strides toward the wall and jumped and attached my fingers with the thick polyester fibers and began to climb as fast as possible. As I got to the top and was able to look over, Cooper was already jumping off the wall. Wow. That boys fast and will surely be the death of me.

I jumped off the wall and rolled over towards the barrel of guns. (Yeah, I used to do some parkour a few years back). As I sprinted towards the barrel, I pulled out a pistol 'click,' aimed it towards the dummies heads and,

BANG, shot the first one right dab in the middle of the forehead then,

PANG, shot it right at the target where the glabella was then shoved the pistol in the holster on the side of my pants and kept on going.

I ended up coming face to face with what looked like death as a machine and stopped. I had to think this through. I had to get to the other side where I could see the buzzer brightly shining and forgot about the apparatus that stood before me and tried to walk towards it. Key word's try. I was smacked square in the face with a nun-chuck strapped to a spinning post that snaps at a very fast and rapid paste. Danget, I forgot about this one. I'm always too fixed on that darn buzzer. Blood started oozing from my nose and my mouth became dry, my eyes no longer remained grey and black and hardened into a black creamy color as I began to snatch and dodge all of the weapons coming at me. I was furious and my inner concessions had no clue why. But my rebellious side knew. I was mad at my mom for not protecting me when I needed her the most and treating dad with such detestation and abomination. The fear is what made me remember the awful thing I did just years ago. But with hope, I could get through this as my partner in crime.

I lunged for the buzzer and as I did so, I saw Cooper coming around the corner in a heavy sweat to come for his buzzer. I pulled the pistol out and shot him in the thigh and finally had the chance to hit the buzzer. Victory!

I bent down and whispered in his ear, "game over boo-boo," as I waved the gun around in his face.

I stood back on my feet to see what state Cooper was in and a smirk came across my face as his face showed how stunned he was. "YOU SHOT ME."

I burst out into laughter and recalled his words, "Don't let your guard down for anyone, right?" I stated as I pointed the gun in his direction.

He just held his leg as a scowl crossed his face but his eyes hinted that he was amused I had remembered from all these years.

I carried on with, "Yay. I've won," I twirled around in a circle then asked, "So what's my next mission?"

A/N: This chapter just screams FILLER Anyways, I hope it was a good chapter!!!






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