"And you've never thought of her in, that way?" I frown, "Not really, just never thought about it, I guess it's just weird for me because I've known her since we were babies I've basically grown up with her" He relaxes, the sky a pretty shade for the morning.

"I can understand that, I used to have a crush on a boy I went to primary school with but he never felt the same back because he'd known me since nursery" I shrug, "Well, he's mad" Issac shakes him head making me giggle.

"So how do you know I'll like where you're taking me?" I narrow my eyes, he comes off the motorway I try to recognise my surroundings but I'm not sure where we are.

"I know you'll like it" He smirks, "Should I be worried?" I raise my eyebrows.

"No, I promise you will love it" He winks. I sit back in the chair unsure, Issac wouldn't take me anywhere horrible I know that, I appreciate him doing this, I feel slightly better just being in his company.

We travel for another ten minuets before coming to our destination, he pulls onto a car park. I still can't tell where we are, "We have to walk to the entrance" He nods, grabbing his items and shoving them in pockets before getting out.

He signals for me to stay where I am, I raise my eyebrows confused, but then see him make his way around the car to my side and open my door, "Why thank you" I smile when I step out, no one has ever opened a car door for me.

"No problem my Darling Darcy" He winks, "Now come on, I can't wait for you to see this place" He smiles wide and gently takes my hand leading me towards the entrance.

I laugh at his excitement dragging me across the car park. We come to a little grass bank with a path in the middle and a massive giraffe silver statue, are we at an animal museum?

I give him a confused look which only makes him smirk mysteriously, I grow excited as I see more little animal statues I'm convinced it's a museum or something.

We reach the top of the bank and climb some steps until we see the entrance, I stop in shock, he's taken me to the zoo!

I smile with joy, "You've brought me to the zoo?!" My face breaks out in what I think is the biggest smile I've ever managed in my life and throw my arms around him, "Thank you so much"

I love animals, I've never been to a zoo before but I've always wanted to come, "It's no problem, anything to see that smile" Issac looks down at me, I look into his eyes feeling tingly before breaking away quickly, "Let's gooo!" I squeal and run in.

Issac sorts the tickets out when we reach the desk, I feel bad for everything he's putting in but he's told me to stay looking at the stuffed animal toys, like a five year old, because he wants me to have a good time.

I feel bad I can't repay him the favour, without mom I don't have anything to my name. I'm going to have to return home at some point, I know it's only been a day - an afternoon - but it felt like I'd run away or something, they have no idea where I am all they know is that I'm with Issac.

"No frowning" Issac appears next to me making me jump, "Let's go see the animals" He smiles and we walk out of the little reception/gift area and out into the zoo, I see Gibbons first.

"Awh Issac look! They're so cute" I point, they're up in the trees making a loud 'whoop' sound, I guess after a while that could be very irritating but there cuteness makes up for it, "What are they?" Issac squirts up in the tree, "Where are they?"

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