Chapter 14

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  "Wake up," I feel someone pushing me and I open my eyes slowly, still tired.

  "Zal, just a while more," I mutter as I see Zal beside me. I'm still tired after getting tied down with all those emotions the day before, I'm exhausted. 

  "Everyone's awake already except you," Zal says.

  "Doesn't affect me," I say quietly before closing my eyes again.

  "You're seriously going back to sleep?" Zal asks.

  "Yeah," I say. 

  "Kira came over when you were still asleep!" Zal exclaims and I open my eyes again. 

  My family.

  "What... what did she say?" I ask Zal.

  "Kira said that Zerina plans to bring our families over here, and kill them in front of our eyes," Zal says silently, shaking his head.

  "Is Zerina really going to teleport them here? Really? Kira once told me that she needed many people's help to teleport her here," I reply and get up.

  Then, I remember. Alvy. My friend, Alvy. She teleported here before the war began just to warn me. She teleported herself, secretly, without anyone knowing. She did it herself. How is this possible.

  "Well, Zerina has her Mythical Officials and other--" Zal starts but I cut him off.

  "Wait, Zal, do you remember when I told you about my friend? About her, coming over to tell me about the war before it started? She came here secretly, without anyone knowing, she did it herself! Why? How... how did this happen? Why didn't she need other people to help her teleport to this world?" I ask Zal, and I feel worried. What if Alvy... Alvy isn't a Mystic too? But instead, what if Kira isn't once a Mystic? What if she is evil? What if Kira belongs to the dark force, but acts like she isn't? What if...?

  Zal stays silent, and I too, keep quiet. 

  "I really don't know, but there are possibilities," Zal says. "Kira might not even be a Mystic, your friend may be a Mystic, but a different one." He hesitates before saying this. "A unique one."

  "But...  but she can't be unique!" I blurt out.

  "And if she isn't unique, then she surely isn't a Mystic either. It does take a lot of magic to teleport yourself through countries," Zal says thoughtfully. 

  Alvy... isn't a Mystic? Isn't unique? Then what is she?

  "But she has strong powers," Zal continues. "Just like us. She might have a part of our magic along with her teleportation Mystic magic. And maybe, a mix of both."

  "But aren't we a mix of both too?" I ask, sounding desperate.

  "But we don't belong anywhere, we are just different! As Kira say, we have power to destroy the planet, the worlds, the universe, which also means we have ownership of this whole universe," Zal says. "Our power is like where everything starts."

  "Then where does she belong to?" I ask again.

  "This means she doesn't have our magic. She has Mystic magic, and probably another type of magic in her," Zal says blankly. 

  I don't know what I'm thinking of. I don't know if Zal is right. But it sounds right. Another type of magic? Like what?

  I've only known two types of magic.

  Unique magic.

  And Mystic magic.

  But wait-- there's one more. One that no one has ever seen, other than the Felitz, the creatures that discovered this place.

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