Chapter 7

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  I wake up, screaming, again. I start to calm down slowly, taking deep breaths in. I did not have two nightmares this time. I had three. Once again, Zal tries to comfort the frightened me. We embrace for a while as I calm down.

  "I'm sorry," I apologise, referring to the fact that I woke him up again.

  "It's alright," Zal replies as he brushes my hair away and pushes me off his lap lightly. I sit back down on the ground. "What happened in those nightmares today?"

  "Oh my," I say as I shake my head a little. "It's even worst."

  "Come on, if it's worst then you should tell me," Zal says as he holds my head still. "Say it."

  "I had three this time. One new one, and two the same as the previous time. With some horrible continuation at the back."

  "What's the new one?" Zal prompts and I sigh.

  "I couldn't control my power," I whisper quietly. "It went out of control. I killed many innocents. I destroyed nature. I betrayed my friends. I just didn't know what happened to me. It was so real."

  "What about the other two?" Zal continues, not commenting on the nightmare.

  "Well, remember about Eira?" I ask and he nods. "I didn't see her vanish this time. I saw her collapsing before choking to her death. And then she died. Not only she did die, she died, in front of me."

  "That's horrid," Zal whispers silently. "How about the last one? The one with me in it? What did I do?" He looks at me worried, and he seems to be really scared of what I will say next. 

  "The one with you?" I hesitate before continuing. "You walked towards me, with that fire in your hands and you glared at me. Again. But I did not just black out. Before that, I watch as your fire bolt shot out from your hands and head towards me. Your expression didn't change. Before it hits me, I black out, and fall into a dreamless sleep. With no dreams, no nightmares."

  "Gosh," Zal mutters. "That won't happen. You know I wouldn't do it."

  "Yeah," I reply. "But you would never know. I mean, you can't trust anyone after all."

  "You can't trust me?" Zal asks me and I just shake my head.

  "No, it's not I don't trust you," I reply. "There are always some things that we will lie about. It's natural. I trust you, I truly do, but not always. Some things can never be trusted. Do you understand me? Zal?"

  "Yeah," he says quietly. "I guess you're right."

  I just smile at his reply, not knowing what to say. I'm glad he says he understands, not everyone will.

  "Well, today is rest day, so I'll just relax," Zal says as he lies back down. 

  "Me too," I reply. "I'm going to need more sleep after sleepless days of nightmares."

  "Oh, poor you," Zal comments and for a moment I hear him as the sarcastic instructor I once had. "Just relax and sleep, don't think about anything you hate and just don't worry."

  I nod and he places his arm over my shoulder. I move closer to him, and I can feel his warmth. Not just any normal warmth. I feel that fiery warmth with him. I cuddle closer to him before falling into a deep sleep with his arms wrapped around mine.

  "Let's play!" A shriek wakes me up and I jerk up and Zal wakes up too. Odette happily grins at us as she sits with Taron. 

  "Odette!" I yell back at her and she laughs loudly. Zal rolls his eyes before standing up.

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